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Entity Framework Debugging Using SQL Server: A Detective Story
Chris Woodruff takes a look at database server configurations using MSSQL database profiling tools and understanding Query Execution Plans to get the most out of Entity Framework.
Get Func-y: Understanding Delegates in .NET
Jeremy Clark discusses what delegates are, detailing Func and Action delegate types, and showing how to use them to make classes more flexible.
.NET Development Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Javier Lozano discusses how to take existing .NET Framework code and reuse it in .NET Standard/Core applications.
Getting Pushy with SignalR and Reactive Extensions
Jim Wooley outlines the synergies between SignalR and Reactive Extensions enabling asynchronous LINQ over HTTP push notifications sent to a variety of clients.
Abusing CSharp 5
Jon Skeet entertains the audience with C# snippets that one should not use in real life.
The Secrets of LINQ: The Modern Day Houdini
Brian Korzynski unveils the secrets on LINQ, how it works and the constructs it uses, covering Funcs, Actions, lambdas, and expressions.
Demystifying .NET 4.5 Async
Mitchel Sellers introduces .NET 4.5 Async, showing how to use it by means of examples.
C# Async, From the Outside, From the Inside - Part 2
This is Part 2 of the session. Bill Wagner and Jon Skeet explain the basics of asynchronous operations in C# using the Async keyword. The session is spiced with live demos.
C# Async, From the Outside, From the Inside - Part 1
Bill Wagner and Jon Skeet explain the basics of asynchronous operations in C# using the Async keyword. The session is spiced with live demos.
Using MongoDB on Mono
Justin Dearing introduces MongoDB, and shows how to interact with Mono via the official 10gen driver. Techniques for handling business logic in application code, such as LINQ are discussed.
LINQ, Take Two: Realizing the LINQ to Everything Dream
Bart De Smet presents LINQ’s origins, its current status, and plans for the future which include LINQ to Everything, plus discussions on theorem solving, reactive queries, and query optimization.
Panel: The Future of Programming Languages
Guy Steele, Douglas Crockford, Josh Bloch, Alex Payne, Bruce Tate, and Ted Neward (moderator) hold a discussion on the future of programming taking questions from the audience.