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  • ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 Preview 7: Blazor, Native AOT, Antiforgery and More

    The latest release of .NET 8 Preview 7 brings significant additions and changes to ASP.NET Core. The most notable enhancements for this release of ASP.NET Core are related to the Blazor alongside the updates regarding the Native AOT, Identity, new SPA Visual Studio templates, Antiforgery middleware additions and many more.

  • Avalonia Reaches v11 GA Release

    Beginning this month, the Avalonia team announced the release of version 11.0 of their framework, bringing significant changes and new features. These changes include features like automated testing capabilities, improved accessibility support, the introduction of Input Method Editor (IME) support for text input, and advanced text rendering and layout options.

  • ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 Preview 6: Blazor Updates and More

    The latest release of .NET 8 Preview 6 brings significant additions and changes to ASP.NET Core. The most notable enhancements for this release of ASP.NET Core are related to the Blazor alongside the updates regarding the debugging experience, testing metrics, API authoring, servers, middleware and many more.

  • New AWS .NET Distributed Cache Provider for DynamoDB in Preview

    Recently AWS announced the preview release of the AWS .NET Distributed Cache Provider for DynamoDB. This library enables Amazon DynamoDB to be used as the storage for ASP.NET Core’s distributed cache framework.

  • Rx.NET v6.0: Enhancing Compatibility, Trimming Support, and Many More

    Last month, the team behind Rx.NET announced the release of the 6.0 version. The latest version of the library brings several improvements and aligns itself with the current .NET ecosystem. While the update doesn't introduce significant new functionality, it focuses on enhancing compatibility, supporting the latest versions of .NET, and addressing common pain points for developers.

  • Avalonia UI v11 Release Candidate 1: Breaking Changes and API Stabilization

    The Avalonia UI team made an announcement regarding the anticipated version 11 Release Candidate 1. In their official release post, they emphasized the significance of this milestone, as it signifies a crucial step forward for the project. The primary focus of this RC is to stabilize the API, bringing the final release of v11 even closer to completion.

  • Visual Studio 2022 17.7 Preview 2: Productivity, Performance and C++ Enhancements

    Microsoft has released the second preview of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.7. Preview 2 brings a range of improvements and features aimed at enhancing developer productivity and improving performance and collaboration. It also includes enhancements for .NET development, as well as for C++ and game development.

  • ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 Preview 5: Improved Debugging, Blazor Updates, SignalR Reconnects, and More

    .NET 8 Preview 5 brings significant additions to ASP.NET Core. Notable enhancements include an improved debugging experience for ASP.NET Core, changes regarding the servers and middleware, the introduction of new features and improvements in Blazor, enhanced API authoring capabilities, seamless reconnect functionality in SignalR, and improvements and changes in authentication and authorization.

  • Introduction of System.ServiceModel 6.0 for Calling WCF/CoreWCF

    The release of System.ServiceModel 6.0 provides client support for calling WCF/CoreWCF functions. These NuGet packages, collectively known as the WCF client, enable .NET platform applications to interact seamlessly with WCF or CoreWCF services.

  • .NET Upgrade Assistant: CLI Tool Synced with Visual Studio Extension Engine

    A new and updated version of the Upgrade Assistant CLI tool. The latest release ensures that the CLI tool now includes all the new features which are already available in the Visual Studio Extension. The latest release now offers developers a choice between Visual Studio and CLI experiences, allowing them to take advantage of the latest features and improvements offered by the .NET upgrade tool.

  • Avalonia UI for .NET: Project Overview from Mike James

    Avalonia UI is an open-source and cross-platform UI framework for .NET developers, designed to facilitate the development of desktop applications that can run on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and WebAssembly. InfoQ interviewed Mike James, CEO of Avalonia UI, in order to understand more about this UI framework and its features.

  • Visual Studio 2022 17.7 Preview 1: Productivity, Cloud and Game Development Enhancements

    Microsoft has announced the release of the first preview of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.7. This new version brings a range of improvements and features aimed at enhancing developer productivity. It also includes enhancements for .NET and cloud development, as well as for C++ and game development.

  • ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 Preview 4: Blazor Streaming, Form Handling, Native AOT, Identity API and More

    The latest release of .NET 8 Preview 4 brings significant improvements to ASP.NET Core. Notable enhancements include Blazor's streaming rendering and form handling, expanded support for form binding in minimal APIs, Native AOT compilation for improved performance, enhanced authentication and authorization with Identity API endpoints, and the addition of metrics for application monitoring.

  • .NET Upgrade Assistant Now Supports Azure Functions Upgrades and .NET 8

    Microsoft has released a new version of .NET Upgrade Assistant in Visual Studio, which provides a set of new enhancements and support for different platforms and frameworks. The tool now supports .NET 8 and it also brings enhancements like an upgrade for Azure Functions, alongside .NET MAUI, WinUI and support for ARM64.

  • ASP.NET Core Updates in .NET 8 Preview 3: Native AOT Support and More

    Recently Microsoft released .NET 8 Preview 3. This new release contains many new improvements to ASP.NET Core such as support for native AOT, server-side rendering with Blazor, rendering Razor components outside of ASP.NET Core, sections support in Blazor or monitoring Blazor Server circuit activity.