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  • Using vfsStream to Test File Uploads with Laravel

    Testing of uploading files can be tricky, but with the right tools and the knowledge of a few tricks, the process can be more efficient and a lot less difficult. This article goes over creating an endpoint to upload a CSV file of users and testing that users in the CSV are displayed in the JSON response, as well as adding validation to ensure CSV files are the types of files being dealt with.

  • arrayDB, a New and Easy PHP ORM

    Most ORM libraries make you write a new class for each item you want to keep in the database. Extending this and that for no apparent reason is repetitious and capricious. Using techniques that can be applied to most languages, arrayDB looks at simplifying the whole process by doing away with statically defined classes.

  • Integrating PHP with .NET Using Phalanger

    Phalanger can be used to create solutions that combine .NET and PHP in ways that are not possible with the standard PHP interpreter. Thanks to Phalanger extensions, PHP programs can directly use .NET classes and .NET programs can dynamically invoke PHP scripts or use functions and classes implemented in PHP.

  • BlazeDS and JMS for PHP Developers, Part 2

    In the second and final of our articles on BlazeDS and JMS, InfoQ looks at two additional methods for sending messages to JMS topics or queues from PHP - the PHP/Java Bridge which provides a framework for calling Java classes from PHP scripts using a simple Java façade, and the STOMP protocol.

  • BlazeDS and JMS for PHP Developers, Part 1

    BlazeDS is an open source project from Adobe that allows you to connect your Adobe Flex applications with data services. The Java Messaging Service (JMS) is a method of communicating with services written in Java. In the first of two articles, InfoQ looks at the advantages of JMS and how you can use BlazeDS to communicate with your Java services via JMS from your Flex applications.

  • Is PHP Ready for the Enterprise?

    Although PHP boasts of being the most widely used environment for web application development, it has been traditionally considered as not suitable for the enterprise. InfoQ has conducted a virtual panel regarding the evolution of the language/platform and its suitability in enterprise environments.