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  • Happy Cultures and How They Grow High Performers

    ITV's Tom Clark spoke at DOXLON in February, proposing the hypothesis that high performance is a side-effect of creating happy teams. Andy Flemming, contributor to Deliberately Developmental Organization, also recently spoke about how to reap business and strategic benefits by creating a culture with an intentional focus on transparency, and the learning, growth and happiness of individuals.

  • Better Estimations Using Techniques from Psychology

    Bias, priming, and salience are the main psychological factors that influence our ability to estimate. Knowing what happens psychologically when we estimate, and using techniques from psychology, helps us to deal with those factors so that we can improve our estimations argued Joseph Pelrine, social complexity scientist and PhD researcher in psychology.

  • Becoming a Continuous Learning Organization

    Software Development is often considered to be knowledge intensive, therefor organizations look for ways to enable continuous learning. “We need learning organisations and they start with learning individuals” says Marcin Floryan. Individual learning can be difficult and scaling individual learning even more challenging. What can organizations do to become a continuous learning organization?

  • Testing the Internet of Things

    Testing embedded software and systems for the Internet of Things has to involve physical, sensory and emotional interactions says Gerie Owen, Business Solutions Analyst from Northeast Utilities. InfoQ interviewed Gerie Owen and Peter Varhol about how testing differs for the internet of things and embedded software and systems, and on dealing with expectations and experiences of people in testing.

  • How to Do Just Enough Up-front Design

    This article includes advice for doing enough up-front architectural design to provide the needed structure to start a project, aligning the team with the architect’s vision and assessing the possible risks.

  • Microsoft Enterprise Library 6.0 Adds Semantic Logging

    Microsoft has released Enterprise Library 6.0 with a Semantic Logging application block, support for Unity 3.0 and Windows Store apps, simplified usage, better documentation and overall experience.

  • ModelMapper: An Object To Object Mapping Library

    ModelMapper is an object to object mapping library that eliminates repeatable code for copying objects from one representation to another. By looking at property names it can perform an automatic mapping or hints can be defined that describe precisely the mapping process. It is inspired from AutoMapper which is a similar library for .NET

  • Travis CI Announces Support for Java and Plans for Travis Pro

    Travis CI, a cloud-based continuous integration (CI) offering for open source projects on Github, has announced support for Java builds, as well as Scala and Groovy additions. After gaining traction among the Ruby open source community the project is now looking into the possibility of expansion to a hosted CI service (nicknamed Travis Pro).

  • Riak NoSQL Database: Use Cases and Best Practices

    Riak is a key-value based NoSQL database that can be used to store user session related data. Andy Gross from Basho Technologies recently spoke at QCon SF 2011 Conference about Riak use cases. InfoQ spoke with Andy and Mark Phillips from Basho team about Riak database features and best practices when using Riak.

  • Application Build and Continuous Integration Patterns

    Julian Simpson, Principal Consultant at The Build Doctor, has compiled a set of patterns for maintaining a fast and reliable application build process and avoiding some Continuous Integration (CI) pitfalls. He also presents a number of patterns for deployment automation and testing in production-like environments.

  • Prism 4 Final Released

    Karl Shifflett released the final release of Prism 4 to MSDN on November 12. Simultaneously, Karl also published the first installment of a series of multimedia training that is consumed within Visual Studio 2010 called, In the Box.

  • Implementing Partial Updates In RESTful Services

    Alex Scordellis posted an article on how the interaction of a client and a service can be modeled and designed for updating partial resources. It appears that it is easily solved if we model the resources appropriately. Often times just thinking of resources as entities that support CRUD is the problem and modeling resources as “resources” and the services they offer.

  • Patterns for Building Applications for Windows Azure

    J.D. Meier, a Principal Program Manager for the patterns & practices group at Microsoft, has listed a number of ASP.NET application patterns for Windows Azure, showing how the components work in the cloud. He also gave an example of mapping a standard web application to the cloud.

  • Parallel Programming with Microsoft .NET

    The patterns&practices team has released Parallel Programming with Microsoft .NET, a book containing guidance for writing parallel programs for .NET. In essence the book contains 6 design patterns for parallel programming accompanied by code samples.

  • Microsoft Has Released Enterprise Library 5.0

    Microsoft pattern&practices has released Enterprise Library 5.0, a set of application blocks that can be used as building blocks for enterprise applications, representing Microsoft’s guidance on how to write good applications. The library contains a number of improvements, includes Unity 2.0, and supports .NET 4.0.