InfoQ Homepage Polyglotism Content on InfoQ
Polyglot on the JVM with Graal
Thomas Wuerthinger overviews Graal's language interoperability, and previews a low footprint AOT compiled Graal-enabled VM for embedded environments and microservices that require fast startup.
The Joy of Not Coding
Jeroen Janssens discusses several tricks for polyglot programmers helping to mix and match different languages and tools in a project.
Collection Pipeline Design Techniques
Michael Feathers outlines strategies for creating pipelines that transform data from stage to stage without access to any other state.
Why We Do Tech the Way We Do Tech Now?
Pavlo Baron attempts to explain why people are doing multiple languages, platforms, technology stacks and databases in one project.
A Polyglot Approach to Enterprise Software
Scott Shaw, James Gregory describe the benefits of a polyglot approach to building enterprise software, showing how diversity can shorten feedback cycles and expose hidden business model assumptions.
Evolving a Data System
Simon Metson approaches the problem of evolving a data system; some patterns and anti-patterns both technical (polyglot systems, lambda architectures) and organisational (data silos, lava layers).
Microservices - The One with the Polyglot Portfolio
James Lewis describes a common trait seen in organizations using microservices: decentralized governance based on polyglot programming and decentralized product teams.
High Performance Reactive Applications with Vert.x
Tim Fox introduces and demos building lightweight reactive applications with Vert.x.
When Your Only Hammer is a Keyboard, Everything Looks Like a Tool
Darren Hobbs shares lessons learned building polyglot systems, the technology choices made. mitigating risk and delivering value.
Node.JS: The Good Parts? A Skeptic’s View
Chris Richardson discusses creating Node.JS polyglot applications starting from combining an event-driven programming model with a prototype-based, weakly typed, dynamic language.
Polyglot Web Development With Grails 2
Jeff Scott Brown explains how to write polyglot applications with Grails, focusing on what it takes to add support for Scala, Clojure and other languages.
Working with Multiple Languages: Why and How
Markus Völter conducts a tutorial on polyglot programming, explaining why one should use multiple languages and how.