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Scaling & Optimizing the Training of Predictive Models
Nicholas Mitchell presents the core building blocks of an entire toolchain able to deal with challenges of large amounts of data in an industrial scalable system.
Tools to Put Deep Learning Models in Production
Sahil Dua discusses how supports data scientists by making it easy to put their models in production, and how they optimize their model prediction infrastructure for latency or throughput.
pDB: Scalable Prediction Infrastructure with Precision and Provenance
Balaji Rengarajan describes the platform built on the Celect’s pDB framework, providing multiple use cases such as online personalization, document classification, and geospatial anomaly detection.
Building a Predictive Intelligence Engine
Viral Bajaria explains a formula for reaching the B2B buyer early in the sales cycle by tying together billions of rows of customer data and overlaying predictive intelligence technology.
Predicting the Future: Surprising Revelations trom Truly Big Data
Pushpraj Shukla discusses how Microsoft Bing predicts the future based on aggregate human behavior using one of the largest scale data sets, and recent progress in large scale deep learnt models.