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Bas Vodde and Craig Larman on Large Scale Scrum
Bas Vodde and Craig Larman talk about Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), its origins, and the focus on simplicity, as well as the corresponding website and their new book "Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS”.
Jeff Patton on User Story Mapping and Product Management
Jeff Patton talks about his book "User Story Mapping" and the background and approaches to the story mapping process as well as upcoming trends in relation to product management.
Kent McDonald on Product Ownership, User Experience and Business Analysis
Kent McDonald talks about the need for product ownership, business analysis and user experience in agile projects, how the three areas are connected and his new book - Beyond Requirements: Analysis with an agile mindset
Shane Hastie on Distributed Agile Teams, Product Ownership and the Agile Manifesto Translation Program
An interview with Shane Hastie about working effectively in distributed agile teams and making remote working work, why product ownership should be a team sport and how product owners teams can work with development teams and the Agile Manifesto translation program.
Kent McDonald & Kupe Kupersmith on "Yes and", Collaborative Conversations, Improv and Beyond Requirements
Kent & Kupe talk about their talk "Get the Liars in the Same Room", using "yes and" to encourage collaborative conversations while managing scope, starting with the end in mind and the forthcoming book Beyond Requirements aimed at business analysts and product owners on agile teams
Ardita Karaj on Helping Product Owners and Teams See the Value
Ardita Karaj joins us at the Agile 2014 conference to discuss how Product Owners and Teams can work together to use value to prioritize the work they do.
Lachlan Heasman and Bernd Schiffer on Agile Coaching
Lachlan Heasman and Bernd Schiffer talk about Agile Coaching and how to define it and the skills required as well as their experiences along the way including Scrum PLoP, 42 things and Agile meetups.
Tim Berglund on Product Owners, Product Development at GitHub
Tim Berglund explains GitHub's approach to product owners and product development and how that can (or can not) translate to other companies.
Deb Colden and Tami Carter Discuss Innovation Games and Dealing with Remote Participants
Deb Colden and Tami Carter discuss how they got involved with Innovation Games, how and why they've used them, and how they've dealt with remote participants in their game sessions.
Peter Saddington on Agile Scout & Leveraging Human Capital
Peter Saddington discusses his work as an Agile Coach, his Agile Scout blog, his new book and his passion into research and tools around leveraging human capital and optimizing teams.
Jeff Patton on the Product Owner’s World
In this interview, Jeff Patton discusses the Product Owner role and points out that Agile has never been very focused on the customer. While Agile development excels at “delivery”, it struggles to support “discovery” (i.e. defining what the customer really needs). Also discussed are techniques such as Lean Startup and story maps and the importance of defining business value in an Agile context.
Chet Hendrickson on the Need for Good Technical Practices
Chet Hendrickson was interviewed at Agile 2011. He discusses the need to get back to basics, to the ideas that made agile successful in the first place - small teams working closely with empowered product owners and using good technical practices. He describes the Agile Sweet Spot and talks about how organizations can work towards achieving it.