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  • Java News Roundup: New JEPs, GraalVM 23 Early-Access, Infinispan, Mojarra, Micrometer Metrics

    This week's Java roundup for March 13th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20, JDK 21, GraalVM 23.0 early-access, Spring Tools 4.18, Quarkus 3.0-Alpha6, Hibernate ORM 6.2 CR4, Micrometer Metrics 1.11, Micrometer Tracing 1.1, Infinispan 14.0.7, Piranha 23.3, Project Reactor 2022.0.5, Eclipse Mojarra 4.0.2, Apache Groovy 4.0.10 and 3.0.16, JHipster Lite 0.29.0, JReleaser 1.5.1 and JobRunr 6.1.2.

  • Quarkus 2.0 Delivers Continuous Testing, CLI and Supports Minimal JDK 11

    Red Hat has released Quarkus 2.0 with new features such as continuous testing, a new CLI, and developer services. This version upgrades its core as well, moving to JDK 11, Vert.x 4.0 and MicroProfile 4.0, promising to have a seamless upgrade experience. InfoQ reached out to the Quarkus’ core team members to provide a brief description on the benefits of each newly-added feature in Quarkus 2.0.

  • The Road to Quarkus 2.0: Continuous Testing

    Quarkus continues its effort to make Java enterprise applications as efficient as possible, both from the perspective of its run time, resources, start and terminate time and now also from the development of applications. Quarkus 2.0 will enrich its dev mode with the continuous testing capability. Stuart Douglas, the senior principal engineer working on it, provides us with an overview.