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InfoQ Homepage Release Management Content on InfoQ

  • Slack Develops Bedrock Operator for Kubernetes StatefulSets

    Slack, the popular workplace communication platform, has developed a custom Kubernetes operator to address limitations in managing StatefulSet deployments. The Bedrock Rollout Operator offers improved control and features for deploying stateful applications in Kubernetes clusters.

  • Slack Conquers Deployment Fears with Z-score Monitoring

    An engineer at team communication platform Slack has written about confronting their fear of deployments and successfully implementing a bot to monitor them instead. Describing a seemingly scary delegation of responsibility, Sean McIlroy explains the reasoning and logic behind giving a pivotal role to their ReleaseBot in a detailed blog post.

  • Key Lessons for Mobile Release Management from DoorDash

    The release process for DoorDash mobile apps is based on clear-cut responsibilities shared across teams, effective communication, testing, and strict rules about handling regressions and hotfixes, explains DoorDash engineer Manolo Sañudo. While not all organizations work at DoorDash scale, many aspects of their approach can prove useful to smaller organizations, too.

  • JReleaser 1.0: Talking to the Early Adopters of the Release Automation Tool

    JReleaser was powering its releases, to make sure it understood the consumer experience first hand. In the meantime, other projects decided to use it as well. InfoQ talked to the developers behind them to understand their experience and how stable JReleaser really is.

  • JReleaser 1.0 Releases Itself

    Exactly one year after its initial release, Jreleaser rolls out version 1.0. In the meantime, other projects started using the tool and its capabilities increased. To review how JReleaser evolved over the last year and may be envisioned for the next year, InfoQ spoke to Andres Almiray, author and main contributor of JReleaser.

  • GoDaddy Releases Automatic Canary Deployments Tool for Kubernetes

    GoDaddy recently released an open-source tool to automate gated deployments in Kubernetes. Every time a deployment happens, the tool can run regression tests, and pull metrics from data backends like New Relic. After some time, the tool decides whether to roll back or continue with the deployment automatically. Users can run A/B tests and run experiments with a small portion of live traffic.

  • Instana Pipeline Feedback for Release Performance

    Application performance management service provider Instana launched Pipeline Feedback for release performance tracking and analysis. Pipeline Feedback provides automatic tracking of application releases, feedback on release performance, and integration with Jenkins.

  • Google Kubernetes Engine Enhancements: Upgrade Channels, Windows Container Support and Stackdriver

    At the recent KubeCon EU in Barcelona, Google announced that it will offer three new release channels for its Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE): Rapid, Regular, and Stable. With these channels, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) users can choose whether they want the freshest release or the most stable one — or quickly evaluate the latest updates in a development environment.

  • Release Management and Customer Experience at Snapchat

    In 2019, T-Mobile hosted Snapchat executive, Tammarrian Rogers, and release manager, Claire Reinert, who presented how, in three years, they transformed their release management processes and culture which directly improved their customer experience.

  • XebiaLabs DevOps Platform Provides New Risk and Compliance Capability for Software Releases

    XebiaLabs, a provider of DevOps and continuous delivery software tools, has launched new capabilities for custody, security and compliance risk assessment tracking for software releases via their DevOps Platform.

  • Electric Cloud Launches Predictive Analytics for DevOps

    ElectricFlow DevOps Foresight uses deep learning to identify patterns in release pipelines, gauge the likelihood of software release success and make recommendations in order to incrementally improve pipeline performance and application quality.

  • Building Observable Distributed Systems

    Today's systems are more and more complex; microservices distributed over the network and scaling dynamically, resulting in many more ways of failure, ways we can't always predict. Investing in observability gives us the ability to ask questions to systems, things we never thought about before. Some of the tools that can be used for this are metrics, tracing, structured and correlated logging.

  • Trunk Based Development as a Cornerstone for Continuous Delivery

    Dave Farley, co-author of the pivotal Continuous Delivery book, recently wrote about push-back to the practice of trunk based development, despite evidence of its role in achieving the benefits of CI and high performing teams. Jez Humble, his co-author, also commented in a twitter-thread on the cultural aspects of the practice to understand its relation to programmer psyche.

  • CA Announces New Release of Workload Automation Engine

    Automation vendor, CA, has released a new version of their workload engine, CA Workload Automation AE, including new usability and performance features  and direct integration with the CA Automic One Automation platform.

  • How Edgemesh Rolled out Its P2P Web Acceleration Service to Production

    Edgemesh is a P2P web acceleration service based on the WebRTC protocol suite that offloads some of the the traffic normally handled by traditional CDNs to browser-based caches shared over a P2P network. They rolled out their release to production in the last few months and shared some of their experiences.