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InfoQ Homepage Runtimes Content on InfoQ

  • Interview with Magnus Madsen about the Flix Programming Language

    Flix, an open-source programming language inspired by many programming languages, enables developers to write code in a functional, imperative or logic style. Flix looks like Scala, uses a type system based on Hindley-Milner and a concurrency model inspired by Go. The JVM language supports unique features such as the polymorphic effect system and Datalog constraints.

  • Service Overload Detection and Remediation at LinkedIn

    LinkedIn recently published how it handles overload detection and remediation in its microservices. Its solution, Hodor, provides an adaptive solution that works out of the box with no configuration. It is a platform-agnostic mechanism to run overload detectors and load shedders inside the monitored process that samples load and sheds traffic from within the application's processing chain.

  • Report Finds 75% of Cloud Runtimes Contain High or Critical Vulnerabilities

    Sysdig’s latest cloud-native and security-usage report finds that shipping containers with vulnerabilities has become standard practice - with the report finding that 75% of containers have high severity vulnerabilities which could have been patched. The report stresses that many organisations find this to be an acceptable risk, in order to move and release quickly.

  • .NET Framework January 2022 Cumulative Update Preview

    Last month, Microsoft released the .NET Framework January 2022 Cumulative Update Preview, part of the company's promise to support .NET Framework. The update targets .NET Framework versions 3.5 and 4.8 and focuses on the Common Language Runtime and Windows Presentation Foundation. The preview release aims to increase reliability and quality of the .NET Framework features for Windows OS.

  • MicroVM Virtualization Solution Firecracker Reaches 1.0

    Originally developed at AWS to power AWS Lambda, Firecracker enables creating and managing secure microVMs for serverless computing.

  • GraalVM 22.0 Released with Native Image Improvements

    GraalVM, a polyglot virtual machine that provides a shared runtime to execute applications written in multiple languages, has released version 22.0 with many native image improvements. The native image builder utility comes with significant improvements to speed up build times, reduce image sizes, utilize less memory to build & run images, and provide deep insights into image generation process.

  • Mold is a New Linux Linker Aiming to Outperform Lld

    Mold, a modern drop-in replacement for current Unix linkers, has reached version 1.0. Written by the original creator of the LLVM lld linker, mold aims to be several times faster than its predecessor.

  • Amazon Introduces New EC2 Families G5g, M6a, Im4gn and Is4gen

    At the recent re:Invent conference, Amazon introduced new EC2 instance families running on different processors, including G5g Arm-based instances, M6a AMD-based ones and storage-optimized Im4gn and Is4gen.

  • AWS Announces Next Generation Graviton3 Processors

    Amazon announced the next generation Graviton3 processors and the preview of the EC2 C7g instances. The cloud provider claims that the new instance type running the latest Arm-based processors will provide better compute, higher floating-point and faster cryptographic performances.

  • Microsoft Announces the General Availability of NDm A100 v4 Series Virtual Machines

    Recently, Microsoft announced the general availability (GA) of a brand-new virtual machine (VM) series in Azure, the NDm A100 v4 Series - featuring NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core 80 GB GPUs. This high-performance computing (HPC) VM is designed to deliver high performance, scalability, and cost efficiency for various real-world HPC workloads.

  • GraalVM 21.3 Supports Java 17

    Oracle Labs released GraalVM 21.3, featuring support for Java 17 and JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) for low-overhead production profiling of native Java executables. Compared to version 21.1 from April 2021, this release creates 14% smaller native executables for Spring PetClinic JDBC with 20% less build time. The release runs applications faster and begins to support the Java Platform Module System.

  • Google Announces the Preview of Anthos for VMs

    During the Google Cloud Next'21 virtual event, Google announced the preview of Anthos for Virtual Machines(VMs). Furthermore, the company introduced a new Anthos Multi-Cloud API, which will become generally available in Q4.

  • IBM Introduces the Semeru Runtimes for OpenJ9

    IBM introduced the no-cost Semeru Runtimes that use the class libraries from OpenJDK together with the Eclipse OpenJ9 Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The runtimes based on OpenJ9 may be used as an alternative for runtimes based on HotSpot. Previously AdoptOpenJDK produced binaries with OpenJ9, however, that’s no longer legally allowed since their move to the Eclipse Foundation under the name Adoptium.

  • Microsoft Announces Preview of On-Demand Capacity Reservations for Azure Virtual Machines

    Recently, Microsoft announced the preview of on-demand capacity reservations for Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). With this new feature for VMs, customers can reserve more compute capacity.

  • Rookout Launches Live Logger to Dynamically Modify Log Verbosity

    Rookout, creators of Live Debugger, have launched Live Logger with the goal of making the wealth of information hidden in production logs more accessible. They intend to achieve that by dynamically switching the logging levels, log pipelining, log throughput tracking, text and context based filtering.