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InfoQ Homepage Scala Content on InfoQ

  • Akka Toolkit 2.3 with Java 8 and Persistence Support

    Latest version of the Akka toolkit, an implementation of Actor Model, comes with persistence enabling stateful actors to persist their internal state, together with support for Java 8 lambda expressions.

  • Functional Relational Mapping Library Slick 2.0 Released

    Version 2.0 of Slick, a Functional-Relational Mapping, FRM, library for Scala, (corresponding to an Object-Relational Mapper, ORM, for object-oriented languages), was recently released with a code generator for reverse-engineering a database schema and new driver architecture to allow support for non-SQL databases.

  • Scala Turns Ten Today

    Ten years ago today, the first release of the Scala language was announced on the comp.lang.scala newsgroup. It's come a long way in ten years; what will the next ten years be like? InfoQ looks back.

  • Vaughn Vernon: Reactive Domain-Driven Design

    Vaughn Vernon, author of Implementing Domain-Driven Design, recently talked about using Scala and the Actor Model implementation Akka together with Doman-Driven Design as a means to remove some of the architecture overhead typically found in event-driven or hexagonal architectures.

  • Oracle Releases Videos and Slides from the 2013 JVM Language Summit

    Oracle have released videos and slides from the 2013 JVM Language Summit, which saw uses of the JVM from the biggest data to the smallest mobiles, and future performance advances in the JVM runtime. Read on to find out more about what was covered.

  • Core.Typed Adds an Optional Type System to Clojure

    core.typed adds an optional type system to Clojure, aiming to combine the best of both worlds: the brevity and flexibility of Clojure and the safety guarantees that a type-checker provides.

  • Reactive Programming as an Emerging Trend

    Reactive programming (RP) is based on data flows and the propagation of change, with the underlying execution model of a programming language automatically propagating changes through the data flow. With the popularity of event-driven, scalable, and interactive architectures both on the server and the client, the concept of  “reactiveness” is increasingly gaining attention.

  • Scaling Twitter to New Peaks

    For many of us Twitter has become an essential communications utility. Since experiencing scalability problems in 2010, Twitter has moved to a loosely coupled service oriented architecture based on the JVM, allowing it new levels of scalability and feature agility. Twitter engineering recently reported a new record throughput and took time out to describe their new architecture.

  • Compile Scala to JavaScript With Scala.js

    At the Scala Day last week, Sébastien Doeraene presented Scala.js, a Scala to JavaScript compiler. The compiler supports the full Scala language allowing its users to build web applications front to back in Scala and potentially reuse code between the server and the client.

  • ZeroTurnaround Launches New Java Research and Content Organisation

    ZeroTurnaround, the vendor behind the popular JRebel and LiveRebel JVM plugins, which accelerate the Java development cycle and automate app deployments to live environments without downtime, have announced a new research and content organisation called Rebel Labs. The organisation will, they claim, offer free, vendor-neutral technical resources for the Java community.

  • JetBrains Releases IntelliJ IDEA 12

    JetBrains has announced IntelliJ IDEA 12 having a better compiler, support for Java 8, an Android UI Designer, a new look, better Spring and Play 2.0 support, and a large number of enhancements across supported languages and frameworks.

  • Community-Driven Research: What's Your Next JVM Language?

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 12th question: "What's Your Next JVM Language?". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

  • Twitter’s Shift from Ruby to Java Helps it Survive US Election

    Twitter's infamous Fail Whale was absent on US presidential election day, even as Twitter's servers were handling a serge of 327,452 "tweets" per minute. The firm was able to handle this level of traffic thanks in part to a gradual shift away from Ruby to Java and Scala

  • Atmosphere 1.0: Asynchronous Communication For Java/JavaScript

    Atmosphere 1.0 is a new Java/Scala/Groovy framework that attempts to abstract asynchronous communication between the web browser and the application server. It transparently supports Web Sockets, HTML5 Server Side events and other application server specific solutions when available, with long polling as a fallback.

  • Community-Driven Research: Why Are You Not Using Functional Languages?

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 11th question: "Why Are You Not Using Functional Languages?". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.