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InfoQ Homepage Scala Content on InfoQ

  • Roundup: Scala as the long term replacement for Java

    Scala has been receiving much attention lately as a possible candidate to replace Java in the future. James Strachan creator of Groovy advocates in favor of Scala as James Gosling, creator of Java and Charles Nutter JRuby Core Developer, have done in the past.

  • Twitter, an Evolving Architecture

    Evan Weaver, Lead Engineer in the Services Team at Twitter, who’s primarily job is optimization and scalability, talked about Twitter’s architecture and especially the optimizations performed over the last year to improve the web site during QCon London 2009.

  • Goat Rodeo: A Unified Data Model for Web Applications

    David Pollak, found of the Lift web framework and "Beginning Scala" author, has announced a new initiative "Goat Rodeo" that aims to bring data modeling into the 21st century.

  • Data, Context and Interaction : A New Architectural Approach by James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskau

    James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskaug have recently introduced a new architectural approach to OOP based on Data, Context and Interaction pattern. It should allow capturing user mental model in terms of behavioral requirements, something that classic OOP fails to do. The article, that triggered many reactions and critics, provides insights into DCI using concrete examples to show its advantages.

  • Interview: Don Syme Answering Questions on F#, C#, Haskell and Scala

    In this interview made by InfoQ’s Sadek Drobi, Don Syme, a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research, answers questions mostly on F#, but also on functional programming, C# generics, type classes in Haskell, similarities between F# and Scala.

  • JOSH: A Proposed Software Stack for the Enterprise

    Grey Lens Man, a blogger who does not decline his identity, posted an interesting piece about legacy problems plaguing the enterprise and proposes a new software stack as viable solution: JOSH, JSON OSGi Scala HTTP.

  • Is It Premature to Talk About C++ and Java’s Legacy?

    Bruce Eckel’s recent blog post on the legacy left by C++ and Java generated a lot of reaction. While mentioning some design mistakes, he concludes that both languages have had a significant role in programming languages evolution and an important positive legacy. But is it not too early to talk about their legacy?

  • Interview: Lennart Augustsson on DSLs Written in Haskell

    In this interview filmed at QCon SF 2008, Lennart Augustsson talks about writing DSLs in Haskell, presenting the advantages offered by the language. In that context, he talks about embedded DSLs, static and dynamic languages, syntax and semantics, monads and many other related topics.

  • Programming Languages: 2008 Review and Prospects for 2009

    In the beginning of last year, Ehud Lamm launched on Lamba the Ultimate a thread about programming languages predictions for 2008. Several subjects popped up: concurrency, functional programming, future of Java, Ruby, C++, and many others… What really happened in 2008 and what are the prospects for 2009? Bloggers have addressed these questions on demand of James Iry, echoing at last year thread.

  • Interview: Ted Neward on Present and Past Languages

    In this interview filmed during QCon London 2008, Ted Neward, author of "Effective Enterprise Java", talks about languages, statical, dynamical, objectual or functional. He dives into Java, C#, C++, Haskell, Scala, VB, and Lisp, to name some of them, comparing the benefits and disadvantages of using one or another.

  • Presentation: Concurrency: Past and Present

    In this presentation from QCon London 2008, Brian Goetz discusses the difficulties of creating multithreaded programs correctly, incorrect synchronization, race conditions, deadlock, Software Transactional Memory, the history of concurrency, alternatives to threads, Erlang, Scala, and recommendations for concurrency in Java.

  • The multicore crises: Scala vs. Erlang

    There has been a somewhat heated debate about Scala vs. Erlang on the blogosphere recently. The future will be multi-cored, and the question is how the multi-core crises will be solved. Scala and Erlang are two languages that aspire to be the solution, but they are a bit different. What are the pros and cons with their approaches?

  • Presentation: Scala: Bringing Future Languages to the JVM

    In this presentation, Lex Spoon discusses the Scala programming language. Topics covered include the origin of Scala, the philosophy behind Scala, the Scala feature set, Object-Oriented and Functional programming in Scala, examples of Scala code, writing DSLs, how Scala is converted into Java, Scala performance, Abstract Data Types, unapply, actors and partial functions.

  • David Pollak on lift and Scala

    With the release of lift 0.6, the web application framework for Scala, InfoQ took the opportunity to ask David Pollak some questions around lift and developing in Scala.

  • Debate about Testing and Recoverability: Object Oriented vs. Functional Programming Languages

    In his latest blog post, Michael Feathers argued that object oriented programming languages offer some built-in features that facilitate testing and are therefore more recovery friendly than functional languages. Proponents of functional languages expressed strong disagreement with this statement, which provoked a very passionate debate in the blog community.