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Learnings from Internal Tool Migrations to Support Software Engineering Efficiency
In her presentation at QCon San Francisco, Ying Dai shared two critical software engineering migration stories - one focused on production monitoring and the other on production deployments with automated validations. Both migrations were driven by the goal of enhancing engineering efficiency, but each came with its own challenges and lessons.
Microsoft Azure Event Grid MQTT Protocol Support and Pull Message Delivery Are Now in Public Preview
Microsoft recently announced the public preview of bi-directional communication via MQTT version 5 and MQTT version 3.1.1 protocols for its Azure Event Grid service.
Effective and Efficient Observability with OpenTelemetry
Daniel Gomez Blanco, principal engineer at Skyscanner, shared his experiences at QCon London on a large-scale observability initiative at his company, based on adopting OpenTelemetry across hundreds of services and the motivation and value gained from adopting open standards across the entire organization.
AWS Lambda Telemetry API Provides Enhanced Observability Data
AWS has released the AWS Lambda Telemetry API, a new way for extensions to receive enhanced function telemetry from the Lambda service. The new API simplifies collecting traces, logs, and custom and enhanced metrics from Lambda functions. Along with several example extensions, there are several extensions available from third parties including Datadog, Dynatrace, Serverless, and Sumo Logic.
Comprehensive Kubernetes Telemetry with AWS Observability Accelerator
AWS recently created a new template within the AWS Observability Accelerator project that provides an integrated telemetry solution for Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) workloads.
Netflix Builds a Reliable, Scalable Platform with Event Sourcing, MQTT and Alpakka-Kafka
Netflix recently published a blog post detailing how it built a reliable device management platform using an MQTT-based event sourcing implementation. To scale its solution, Netflix utilizes Apache Kafka, Alpakka-Kafka and CockroachDB.
HiveMQ Launches Fully-Managed, Fully-Compliant MQTT 5 Service for IoT Apps
HiveMQ Cloud aims to provide a fully-managed platform for IoT applications using MQTT to stream data out of devices. HiveMQ Clod features automatic scalabiilty and a dedicated infrastructure for each customer at a fixed hourly rate. InfoQ has spoken with HiveMQ CTO Dominik Obermaier to learn more.
Twitter Open Sources Its Telemetry Tool Rezolus for Detection of Short-Lived Anomalies
Twitter Engineering open sourced their telemetry tool called Rezolus, which can detect anomalies in system performance metrics by sampling them at a higher rate.
Akamai IoT Edge Connect Brings MQTT to its Serverless Edge Platform
Akamai IoT Edge Connect, part of Akamai Edge Cloud, provides a fully managed service for the operation of IoT devices with auto-scaling, failover, and data synchronization. InfoQ has spoken with Lior Netzer, vice-president and CTO of IoT at Akamai Technologies.
HiveMQ Goes Open Source, Brings MQTT and Kafka Together
Recently announced by HiveMQ, HiveMQ Enterprise Extension for Kafka aims to integrate Kafka and MQTT to enable real-time streaming for IoT applications.
Building Scalable and Reliable IoT Apps with MQTT and HiveMQ 4
HiveMQ is an MQTT-based messaging platform designed to power IoT applications. Recently released HiveMQ 4 adds support for MQTT 5, improves its extension system, and integrates better with Docker and Kubernetes, and AWS EC2. InfoQ has spoken with Dominik Obermaier, CTO of dc-square GmbH, maker of HiveMQ.
WSO2 Extends its Internet of Things Process Orchestration Capabilities
Open-source middleware vender WSO2 announced new capabilities in its platform for managing Internet of Things (IoT) applications and processing IoT data. The enhancements include support of MQTT (a lightweight M2M/IoT publish/subscribe connectivity protocol), the Activiti business process management (BPM) platform, and the Open Data OData 4.0 protocol.
Surviving Success
Teams rarely consider success as a mode of failure, but not preparing for exceeding their goals can be just as dangerous as ignoring basic software and infrastructure needs. Mark Simms and Mark Souza discuss anti-patterns they've seen and some of the best ways to architect to win in spite of your own success.
Paho, Mosquitto and Security of MQTT
Ian Craggs presented about Paho, Mosquitto and MQTT/MQTT-SN at EclipseCon. InfoQ caught up with him and asked him what's happening in the MQTT space.
IBM's Nick O'Leary Demos Node-RED for the Internet of Things
Nick O'Leary presented Node-RED, an open-source project focused on the Internet of Things (IoT), at the last QCon London. The project, created by IBM's Emerging Technology team, provides a browser-based environment for visually "wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways".