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Modernizing Windows Desktop Applications with XAML Islands
You may be under the impression that Windows desktop development is pretty much dead, yet according to the telemetry data in Visual Studio, there are roughly 2.4 million developers actively working on desktop applications each month, up 50% from 20 months ago. With such a large community to support, Microsoft is looking at ways to help developers integrate those assets into Windows 10.
New UWP and Win32 Application Distribution Models
.NET has had support for applications that can automatically update themselves since the introduction of ClickOnce technology in 2005. Under the ClickOnce model, WinForms and WPF applications would check a pre-configured location on startup for newer versions. Soon the same capability will be available for private distributed UWP applications.
Windowing in Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Applications
Continuing our series on UWP for line of business applications, we turn our attention to another frequently cited issue: multiple window support. Microsoft intends to not only answer that request, but surpass it with multiple windowing modes including 3D.
A Look at the Windows Community Toolkit for UWP
In order to address the needs of line of business developers, Microsoft is offering the Windows Community Toolkit for UWP. With two major releases in as many months, this library acts as a test ground for new UWP controls and features.
Microsoft Positions UWP for Line of Business Applications
Microsoft is positioning UWP for traditional line of business (LOB) applications with an emphasis on rapid application development (RAD) using the Windows Template Studio. But that’s not all they’re doing to entice LOB developers onto the UWP platform.
An Introduction to the Windows Template Studio for Desktop Development
Over the last couple of decades, the amount of boilerplate code necessary to develop Windows applications has increased dramatically, which takes away from .NET’s early roots as a RAD or Rapid Application Development framework. Microsoft’s attempt to counter-act this is the Windows Template Studio for UWP applications.
Microsoft Previews Windows 10 IoT Core Services
Microsoft is previewing a new paid service for its Windows 10 IoT Core OS that enables managed device updates and device health assessment. Additionally, the new service will guarantee a 10 year support lifespan for each version of the OS after its release.
Android Emulator Now Supports AMD Hardware Acceleration and Hyper-V on Windows
The latest release of the Android Emulator for Windows aims thus to boost its performance when running on AMD processors or a Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor by bringing support for hardware accelerated enhancements that were previously only available for Intel processors.
Microsoft Embeds Artificial Intelligence Platform in Windows 10 Update
The next Windows 10 update opens the way for the integration of artificial intelligence functionalities within Windows applications. Developers will be able to integrate pre-trained deep-learning models converted to the ONNX framework in their Windows applications.
Microsoft Seems to Have Stopped Developing Windows 10 Mobile
Although no official statement has been issued by the company, some later affirmations by top Microsoft executives tell us that Windows 10 Mobile development is stopped.
UWP Community Toolkit Prepares for Windows Fluent Design
Microsoft continues to prepare for the forthcoming Fall Creators Update for Windows 10, and they are upgrading developers tools and resources as part of these preparations. The UWP Community Toolkit (UCT) has been updated to take advantage of Microsoft's new Fluent Design Language that will eventually become the new user interface for Windows 10.
Visual Studio 2017 15.4 Prepares for Windows 10 Fall Update
Microsoft has released a preview for Visual Studio 2017 15.4. This release focuses on additions to support the forthcoming Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. UWP apps gain support for .NET Standard 2.0 and a new template makes it easier to bundle both traditional Win32 and UWP apps for distribution.
Microsoft Build 2017 - Day 2 Early Access
On day 2 of the Build 2017 developer conference, Microsoft turns to focus on Windows 10, new developer tools for supporting non-Windows devices, and new devices in mixed reality.
How Microsoft Solved Git’s Problem with Large Repositories
While Git is often considered to be the best version control software in wide adoption, the way entire repositories are copied onto the developer’s machine can be a deal breaker. Microsoft discovered this when they tried to migrate a 300 GB repository from their internal system to Git. The end result was the creation of the Git Virtual File System (GVFS).
Microsoft Edge Extension Toolkit Aims to Bring Chrome Extensions to Edge
A new tool for Windows 10 from Microsoft, the Edge Extension Toolkit, aims to make it easier to convert Chrome extensions to Microsoft Edge extensions.