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  • Codenvy’s Architecture, Part 2

    Tyler Jewell, CEO of Codenvy, unveils in this 2-parts article the architecture of Codenvy - a cloud IDE –, providing details on its platform and plug-in architecture, workspace and cluster management, multi-tenancy implementation, IDE collaboration, release model and SCRUM process used for development.

  • Codenvy’s Architecture, Part 1

    Tyler Jewell, CEO of Codenvy, unveils in this 2-parts article the architecture of Codenvy - a cloud IDE –, providing details on its platform and plug-in architecture, workspace and cluster management, multi-tenancy implementation, IDE collaboration, release model and SCRUM process used for development.

  • The Technology behind Codenvy. An Interview with Tyler Jewell, CEO

    Codenvy is an online IDE supporting applications development in Java, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, Ruby and other languages, with built-in support for deploying the apps on a PaaS. This article includes an interview with Tyler Jewell, CEO, detailing some of the technologies behind Codenvy.

  • Integrated ALM Tools Are Fundamental to Success

    The typical software delivery project captures requirements numerous times, describes tests in multiple places, is indiscriminate of what is in a particular build, and often requires a large amount of analysis to know who is doing what and why. Dave West looks at the problems this causes and argues for holistic, integrated ALM approach.

  • Matt Tesauro on OWASP Web Testing Environment (WTE) Project

    Web Testing Environment (WTE) project, a part of The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) organization, makes application security tools available to application developers and QA testers. InfoQ caught up with WTE project lead Matt Tesauro to learn more about the background, current state, various tools it supports and the future road map of the project.

  • Virtual Panel on Software Architecture Documentation

    Software architecture documentation is an important part of the enterprise application development process. In this virtual panel discussion, InfoQ spoke with panelists Len Bass, Grady Booch, Paulo Merson and Eoin Woods about documenting the software architectures especially in Agile software development environments.

  • Using SketchFlow to Create Better Prototypes

    All good developers use some kind of prototyping as a communication channel to customers. Simon Guest of Microsoft introduces a new technology from Microsoft, SketchFlow, and shows how it could be useful to developers as well as the primary audience of designers. The discussion covers coverage (WPF and Silverlight), functionality, workflow, prototyping, and documentation.

  • 13 Reasons for Java Programmers to Learn Flex and BlazeDS

    Thirteen reasons, some general ("it's open source" and "it has great community support") and some technical ("programming model similar to Java" and "runs in any Java app server"), for why Java Programmers should learn Flex and BlazeDS are presented. Technical reasons include examples as part of the discussion.

  • Debunking Common Refactoring Misconceptions

    In comparison to Java, an emphasis on continuous refactoring is still relatively new in .NET. Besides having few ardent proponents, many myths linger around what refactoring really is and how it applies to the development process in general. Danijel Arsenovski, author of Professional Refactoring in Visual Basic, attempts to dispel some of these myths.

  • Software Development Lessons Learned from Poker

    There is no silver bullet. We know it, but don't act like it. Your language, tool or process is better, right? Jay Fields says: "It depends". The right choices varies with context, people, and more. This article touches upon how a lot of things must impact a choice; learning culture, skill levels, teamwork, incomplete information, metrics - and context.

  • Version Control for Multiple Agile Teams

    When several agile development teams work on the same codebase, how do we minimize chaos, and ensure there's a clean, releasable version at the end of every iteration? Here Henrik Kniberg outlines the scheme used in "Scrum and XP from the Trenches". This paper is not so much for version control experts as for the rest of us, who just want to learn simple and useful ways to collaborate.

  • Better Best Practices

    Organizations often introduce Best Practices as part of a change program or quality initiative. These can take a number of forms, from cheat sheets to full-blown consultant-led methodologies, complete with the requisite auditing and accreditation. In this article, Dan North shows how best practices can not only fail to help, but even have a severe negative impact on your top performers.