InfoQ Homepage Automated Deployment Content on InfoQ
Matthew Skelton on DevOps and Continuous Delivery Challenges
Matthew Skelton talks about the challenges to DevOps and Continuous Delivery adoption, what's the impact of microservices in this space, how to leverage ITIL, and DevOps team topologies.
Rebecca Parsons on Microservices: Challenges, Benefits and Service Design
Rebecca Parsons, Thoughtworks CTO, on microservices: prerequisites, challenges and benefits. Also insights on designing services for scalability, handling failure and eventual consistency.
Jez Humble on Continuous Delivery and Lean Enterprise
In the last ten years we have seen the emergence of things like lean startup, continuous delivery, DevOps, and all these movements around how to not only build things correctly, but also around making sure to build the correct thing. Now it's time to help leaders in large enterprises to understand how to move faster and adapt to changing circumstances.
Chris Richardson Discusses CQRS and Event Sourcing via Docker
Chris discusses the rise of CQRS and Event Sourcing as a solution for all domains. With the advent of Docker, applications that manage complex domains can be built tested and deployed in minutes. Chris talks about the reasons for choosing a CQRS and Event Sourced solution as well as how the addition of Docker can help an organization embrace Continuous Delivery by using existing tools.
Roy Rapoport on Canary Analysis at Netflix
Roy Rapoport explains the concept of canary analysis and how Netflix uses it to deploy software to its internal systems.
Damon Edwards: DevOps is an Enterprise Concern
Damon argues DevOps is most needed in the enterprise world, and suggests starting with self-service provisioning interfaces, service oriented mentality, designing tool chains and meaningful metrics. All based on his own experience on the field as a DevOps consultant.
Dave Farley on Agile, DevOps, Acceptance Testing and More
In this interview, Dave Farley approaches Continuous Delivery both from human and technological perspectives. Do flow-based methodologies play better with CD than iteration-based ones? How to do CD on a DevOps unfriendly context? From a technological perspective, learn the importance of artifact repositories and why you should avoid branching as much as possible.
Todd Charron on Lean Startup Machine & Improv in Agile
Todd Charron talks about some of the outcomes from Lean Startup Machine in Toronto, applying Lean Startup in the Enterprise and how can us improvisation techniques in Agile to reduce our fears.
Chris McMahon on Open Software Testing at Wikipedia
Chris McMahon discusses radically open source testing at Wikipedia and has put out a call for the testing community to participate, as well as discussing approaches to browser test automation.
Deepak Giridharagopal on Puppet, Immutable Deployments, Analyzing Systems with PuppetDB
Deepak Giridharagopal explains the config management and automation tool Puppet, the concept of Immutable Deployments, and how Puppet DB (written in Clojure) allows to monitor and query systems managed with Puppet. Also: why PuppetDB is written in Clojure.
Bryan Beecham on XP Not Dead
Bryan Beecham (aka Billy Garnet) reminds us that "XP not dead!" and shares his approach to teaching TDD and refactoring with Lego and applying XP and craftsmanship in teams as well as the human body.
Dave Farley on Continuous Delivery
Dave Farley discusses the reasons for Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment, the advantages and challenges they pose, and much more.