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  • Agile: The SOA Hangover Cure

    Author Carl Ververs who is an expert on SOA Integration and Distributed Systems writes about the application of "Agile" development philosophies that ensures that organizations can overcome architectural paralysis and get moving on those important SOA projects, while at the same time ensuring that the architecture is sufficiently flexible and adaptable for future growth.

  • What is Agility, and Why Should You Care?

    Coach Mishkin Berteig introduces the benefits of Agility with two stories of highly responsive teams, and outlines some further reading. Agile helps people work more effectively by empowering teams, amplifying learning and eliminating waste. Agility teaches the team to modify its own working process over time, always with a view to providing more value to the enterprise while reducing waste.

  • Ruby and Rails: In your face... but out of your way

    Ruby on Rails is in many ways a system in itself. But in many, many other ways, Rails exposes, explores, and exploits its connections to Ruby, rather than hiding or disguising them. David A. Black, author of the book Ruby for Rails from Manning, shares his thoughts on whether or not Rails developers should take the time to master Ruby.

  • Being Agile Without Going Overboard

    Agile Software Development is gaining popularity. But, what does it mean to be agile? Is it using unit testing, continuous integration, following XP, Scrum? In this article Venkat Subramaniam discusses how to incrementally introduce agility into a project which is in trouble and not currently agile.