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  • Opinion: Programming Languages Shouldn't Enforce Style, Teams Should

    Some believe that, if you write a large enough cookbook, there will always be a simple recipe to solve our programming problems. Taking it to an extreme, some want programming languages to limit developers to safe constructs and clean style. Reg Braithwaite skewers this idea, and challenges teams not to give up accountability for style, asking "Whatever happened to code reviews?"

  • Can Tools Reduce the Effort Involved in Test Driven Development?

    With the presence of high quality test generation tools like Agitar One and Parasoft's JTest, some are questioning the need to write tests manually. 'Uncle' Bob Martin weighted in, exploring the weakness of the idea.

  • Does TDD Really Ensure Quality?

    Analysis of a recent study by the National Research Council of Canada's Institute of Technology into Test Driven Development turned up some interesting observations regarding the value that this approach adds, including whether, in fact, it adds any more value to the quality process than testing after development.

  • Prefer Broad Design Skills over Platform Knowledge

    In his latest article Martin Fowler suggests that what matters most while building a team is not experience or thorough knowledge of the specific platform and business domain, but rather some broader skills that allow building quality software and delivering value.

  • An Agile Developer's Responsibility

    What is a developer's responsibility when a customer asks for a quick and dirty solution? Should they listen to the customer and take the short cut because, after all, they are paying the bill? Should they instead always do what is technically the "best" option in their opinion? Or is there a middle road that should be taken?

  • Book Excerpt and Review: Release It!

    Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software by Michael Nygard discusses what it takes to make production-ready software, and explains how this differs from feature-complete software. InfoQ spoke with Michael Nygard and asked him several questions related to the book and some of the issues it raises.

  • RSpec 1.1 - A Step Up for BDD advocates

    RSpec has become a poster child for both Domain Specific Languages and Behavior Driven Development (BDD), a type of Test Driven Development. The new RSpec 1.1 release adds improved support for Rails and other improvements.

  • Continuous Integration and Code Inspection with Hudson and FindBugs

    A recent article published in IBM developerWorks talks about automating Continuous Integration and Code Inspection tasks in a build process using open source tools. It explains how to install and configure Hudson server with Subversion, Ant, and software inspection tools like FindBugs and PMD to create a build process with continuous feedback on test results and defects.

  • Is Quality Negotiable?

    If a customer tells you that they are not interested in software quality, that they have a specific scope that must be completed by a specific date - what do you do? Do you listen to the customer and compromise quality? (By the way, what is quality?)

  • Debate: Scaling teams up in productivity rather than in personnel

    Larger team size prevents from adopting the whole range of language abstraction tools and puts constraints on productivity. Reg Braithwaite believes that tools should not be tuned to the size of the team. He advocates for building teams around the tools and keeping them small. It appears however that team growth is often inevitable. What can be done then to maintain quality and productivity?

  • Surprising criticism from parting Microsoft development lead

    Jay Bazuzi, once Development Lead for the C# Editor, is leaving Microsoft, and he wrote some surprisingly harsh parting words for his friends before he left; things like “OO isn’t a fad” and that “It’s OK to use someone else’s code”.

  • RSpec Adds Eagerly-Awaited RBehave Functionality for Integration Testing

    RSpec is a Behaviour-Driven Development acceptance testing framework for Ruby or Java that enables developers to turn acceptance specifications from the business into executable examples of expected behaviour. Dan North built a separate extension, RBehave, to express story-level integration tests with RSpec. David Chelimsky has now incorporated RBehave-like functionality into the RSpec trunk.

  • Religion driven industry? Buzzwords and checklists vs. thinking and inspection

    James O. Coplien has recently argued that today’s industry is based on buzzwords and checklists. The use of some techniques and methodologies, TDD for instance, has become “a religious issue”. This prevents from inspecting possible tradeoffs and focusing on finding solutions that would be the most appropriate and the most cost-effective for a given project.

  • Next-Generation Functional Testing

    What should the next generation of functional testing tools offer? The Agile Alliance is holding a workshop to envision the next-generation of functional testing tools, from October 11th to 12th. What do you think needs the most attention?

  • - Next Generation of Unit Testing Frameworks?

    Jim Newkirk, creator of NUnit, has announced a new Unit Testing Framework called The proclaimed successor to NUnit is supposed to get rid of NUnit's mistakes and shortcomings and add some best practices and extensibility to the framework.