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Kate Heddleston on Improving the Usability of Ops Tools to Improve Company Culture
Kate Heddleston explains why it's necessary to make Ops tooling easy to use, how Usable Ops and better documentation can improve the culture in teams, and much more.
Dianne Marsh on Language and Frameworks Used at Netflix, the Manager's Role, and Diversity in IT
Dianne Marsh talks to Charles Humble about hiring an engineer at Netflix, organising an engineering team around speed of execution, the languages and frameworks Netflix uses, and diversity in IT.
Glen Ford on Building Great Teams, Lean and DevOps
Glen Ford talks about his experiences in different organizations' environments, from start-ups to the likes of BBC. Glen discusses how to build great teams and why in his view Kanban works better than Scrum. Finally, Glen explains how Lean, DevOps and systems architecture all influence each other.
Linda Rising on Thinking about Thinking and the Agile Mindset
Linda Rising was interviewed at QCon London 2014. She speaks about the difference between the Fixed and the Agile mindeset, looks at the links between cognitive neuroscience and agile development. She discusses the value of standing and moving around when working and addresses number of myths about change.
Andrew Prentice and Jo Cranford on Testing and Development at Atlassian
Andrew Prentice and Jo Cranford talk about testing and development approaches at Atlassian, in particular the role of Quality Assistance and approaches to effectively testing JavaScript.
Linda Cook on Management Debt and Diversity in the Workplace
Linda Cook is a board member of the Agile Alliance. She talks about the impact of Management Debt on the ability of teams to be fully successful, diversity in the workplace and the impact of women leaving technical fields and the international role of the Agile Alliance.
Trisha Gee from LMAX Discusses Concurrent Java Programming, Agile, and Diversity in IT
In a wide-ranging interview, LMAX's Trisha Gee talks to Charles Humble about using Java for low latency programming, and the Disruptor, an open source concurrent programming framework developed by LMAX. She also discusses the agile management techniques used at LMAX, and issues around gender and ethnic diversity in IT.
Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier Decide if Rails is Enterprise Ready
Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier sat down with InfoQ's Obie Fernandez at RailsConf to explore some of the reasoning behind setting up the mongrel project, getting adoption in enterprise and dealing with developers who just aren't ready. Watch the interview to find out how much Shaw's Enterprise Mongrel product will cost, where the support contracts are and who'll come out on top when the vultures land.