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  • Occasionally Connected Clients ARCast

    Ron Jacobs' latest ARCast with Jack Goldstein goes through SQL Everywhere and how to use it for the occasionally connected client. It also has some brief mentions about some of the cool new synchronization technologies that are coming up in Orcas. Overall a nice starting place if you want to start thinking about how to deal with the occasionally connect client in your architecture.

  • .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP1 Released

    Microsoft has just released SP1 of the .NET Compact Framework 2.0, currently available for web download only (so far). A number of interesting fixes and features are added, such as the addition of the Serializable attribute, the ObjectDisposedException bug fixed in HttpWebRequest, and the Remote Performance Monitor tool.

  • Opinion: ASP.NET 2.0 makes it harder

    Daniel Solin, faced with some limitations in ASP.NET 2.0 has blogged a criticism of the framework, concluding that "my feeling about ASP.NET 2.0 is that it's good for simple, common tasks. It makes trivial tasks even more trivial, but this at the cost of making the more complex (and more realistic) tasks even more complex."

  • Advanced Message Queue Protocol to Commoditize Messaging

    The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) has been announced today by JP Morgan Chase, RedHat, Twist, Cisco, Iona, and others. AMQP is an open specification for queue-based messaging that is technology agnostic and completely interoperable; it aims commoditize the messaging middleware industry and provide true interoperability across technology stacks in any language or operating system.

  • The future of data access in .NET

    Microsoft has published two papers explaining the vision for the future of data access in .NET. The combination of ADO.NET, Entity Framework, and LINQ will mean .NET will finally have real object mapping capabilities not just to relational stores but also between languages and other data formats such as XML.

  • WCF RSS Toolkit for Generating RSS 2 and Atom 1 Feeds posted

    The WCF RSS Toolkit has been released. The toolkit supports exposing a service as an RSS 2.0 feed, Atom 1.0 feed and SOAP endpoint simultaneously; it can also be extended to support other wire formats. Yasser Shohoud has also blogged some code examples today.

  • Upcoming Features in Team Foundation Server SP1

    Brian Harry, Product Unit Manager for Visual Studio Team Foundation, wrote about upcoming features for Team Foundation Server Service Pack 1 today. No specific timeframe has been announced, but a beta should be coming shortly.

  • WinFX renamed to .NET Framework 3.0

    Microsoft Corporate Vice-President S.Somasegar announced last week that WinFX would be renamed to the .NET Framework 3.0. "The .NET Framework has always been at the core of WinFX, but the WinFX brand didn't convey this."

  • InfoQ Book: Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks

    InfoQ has partnered with Minh T. Nguyen to bring you Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks. The book explains how to use VS.NET efficiently, including everything from editing and compiling to debugging and navigating within the VS.NET IDE. The book covers the Visual Studio .NET 2002, 2003, and 2005 Beta 1 releases.

  • Officially Launched!

    InfoQ has officially launched today, having previously been in unlaunched/testing mode since May 17th. InfoQ is a new Enterprise Software Development Community serving Java, .NET, Ruby, SOA, and Agile. Interest so far has been high, with over 19,249 unique visitors to the site. Today's launch presents version 0.7 of the site. Thank you to our members, sponsors, and authors!

  • Nemerle: A Hybrid Programming Language For The .NET Platform

    Nemerle is a hybrid language developed by the Computer Science Institute of the University of Wroclaw in Poland. It is a high-level statically typed language that offers functional, object-oriented, and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a meta-programming system.

  • Visual Studio Team Edition For Database Professionals

    Microsoft has announced the upcoming availability of Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals. This product is intended to close the communication gap that all too often exists between database professionals and the rest of the development team.

  • Microsoft Motion Light: Rapid Business Architecture Techniques

    Microsoft Motion is a dynamic and systematic approach to decomposing a businesss into discreet capabilities. It organizes, measures and evaluates these capabilities and is a compliment to process mapping.

  • Updater Application Block Updated For .NET 2.0

    An updated version of the Updater Application Block has been released. This version includes updates for compatibility with the latest Enterprise Library release as well as .NET framework 2.0 support.

  • Building Applications On Windows Workflow Foundation

    Three main factors that have limited the adoption of workflow models. The cost of most workflow products has been quite high. Integrating the workflow platform with existing systems and standardizing on a particular workflow model is also costly. Microsoft's David Green has written an article explaining the use cases for workflow and how to realize one with Windows Workflow Foundation.