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  • Java InfoQ Trends Report - July 2019

    The InfoQ Java trend report provides an overview of technology adoption and commentary on how we see the Java and JVM-related space evolving in 2019. Key developments include the release of Java 13, the rise of non-HotSpot JVMs and the evolution of GraalVM, and the changing landscape of Java microservice frameworks.

  • How We Reduced Our React App’s Load Time by 60%

    React handles UI updates efficiently but it does not magically make your web app faster. As our application grew in size, we started noticing some drawbacks of our setup. Although we knew how React worked and how Redux manages state, our application had bloated in size. We started seeing application crashes and jank. It was time to drive down the technical debt and make performance improvements!

  • WebAssembly and Blazor: A Decades Old Problem Solved

    A framework, named Blazor because it runs in the browser and leverages a templating system or "view engine" called Razor, enables the scenario .NET developers almost gave up on. It doesn't just allow developers to build client-side code with C#, but also allows developers to run existing .NET Standard DLLs in the browser without a plugin. Here's the story of WebAssembly and Blazor.

  • Using TypeScript with the MySQL Database

    TypeScript has emerged as a powerful environment for authoring web applications, providing significant improvements over standard JavaScript while remaining consistent with the language. In this article we'll explore in depth the details necessary to use TypeScript with Node.js, MySQL, and TypeORM to create a powerful solution for managing database access with server-side TypeScript.

  • Robust Engineering: User Interfaces You Can Trust with State Machines

    Industrial-strength modelling techniques used in safety-critical domains can be leveraged for the specification and implementation of user interfaces. This article explains how state machine modelling may lead to robust, testable and maintainable user interfaces.

  • Q&A on the Book Refactoring - Second Edition

    The book Refactoring - Second Edition by Martin Fowler explores how you can improve the design and quality of your code in small steps, without changing external behavior. It consists of around seventy detailed descriptions of refactorings, including a motivation for doing them, the mechanics, and an example.

  • JavaScript and Web Development InfoQ Trends Report

    This InfoQ Trends Report looks at the current trends with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and web development in general, exploring technologies and options gaining further adoption, and those approaching their end of life. The rate of new JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and WebAssembly standards, as well as frameworks and other web technologies continues to accelerate substantially.

  • Building a Web App with Yeoman

    Yeoman is an efficient open-source software system for scaffolding web applications, used for streamlining the development process. It is known primarily for its focus on scaffolding, which means the use of many different tools and interfaces coordinated for optimized project generation.

  • Challenges of Building a Reliable Realtime Chat Service

    Realtime chat has become a common feature of modern applications. These days not only communicators and social networks allow users to talk with each other over the Internet—chat is crucial in healthcare, e-commerce, gaming and many other industries.

  • Getting Started with Vue.js

    Learn how to use Vue CLI to build a Vue.js 2 application for searching and displaying Giphy images, and then manipulating/transforming them by using the Cloudinary API. Also, you'll learn how to deploy this application to AWS.

  • How BuzzFeed Migrated from a Perl Monolith to Go and Python Microservices

    Starting in 2016 BuzzFeed began a re-architecture project moving from a single monolithic application written in Perl to a set of microservices. The main reason for the move was that the Perl application was proving hard to scale, essential given that alone serves about 7 billion page views/month.

  • Angular Application Generator - an Architecture Overview

    It’s clear there are pros and cons to keep in mind before making decision to generate code, but what's the best approach to generating source code for Angular: templating or AST handling? In this article, we’ll take Angular source code generation to the next level by diving into techniques to make this consistent and maintainable, based on a DSL mechanism.