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  • JavaScript and Web Development InfoQ Trends Report

    This InfoQ Trends Report looks at the current trends with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and web development in general, exploring technologies and options gaining further adoption, and those approaching their end of life. The rate of new JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and WebAssembly standards, as well as frameworks and other web technologies continues to accelerate substantially.

  • Building a Web App with Yeoman

    Yeoman is an efficient open-source software system for scaffolding web applications, used for streamlining the development process. It is known primarily for its focus on scaffolding, which means the use of many different tools and interfaces coordinated for optimized project generation.

  • Challenges of Building a Reliable Realtime Chat Service

    Realtime chat has become a common feature of modern applications. These days not only communicators and social networks allow users to talk with each other over the Internet—chat is crucial in healthcare, e-commerce, gaming and many other industries.

  • Getting Started with Vue.js

    Learn how to use Vue CLI to build a Vue.js 2 application for searching and displaying Giphy images, and then manipulating/transforming them by using the Cloudinary API. Also, you'll learn how to deploy this application to AWS.

  • How BuzzFeed Migrated from a Perl Monolith to Go and Python Microservices

    Starting in 2016 BuzzFeed began a re-architecture project moving from a single monolithic application written in Perl to a set of microservices. The main reason for the move was that the Perl application was proving hard to scale, essential given that alone serves about 7 billion page views/month.

  • Angular Application Generator - an Architecture Overview

    It’s clear there are pros and cons to keep in mind before making decision to generate code, but what's the best approach to generating source code for Angular: templating or AST handling? In this article, we’ll take Angular source code generation to the next level by diving into techniques to make this consistent and maintainable, based on a DSL mechanism.

  • Monitoring SRE's Golden Signals

    Golden signals are increasingly popular these days due to the rise of SRE. This article outlines what golden signals are, and how to monitor and use them in the context of various common services.

  • Web Development InfoQ Trends Report

    In this trends report, we take a look at the web development space, which is always an interesting one for us with a new JavaScript framework launched seemingly every couple of minutes.

  • InfoQ Call for Articles

    InfoQ provides software engineers with the opportunity to share experiences gained using innovator and early adopter stage techniques and technologies with the wider industry. We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical.

  • Four Tips for Working with Angular Components

    If you're a beginner to Angular, you'll quickly find that components are some of the core building blocks of an Angular application. Regardless of what flavor of Angular you're working with, be it AngularJS or Angular 2+, learning to use components well is critical. In this article, Jonathan Saring offers four tips on working with Angular components.

  • Mobile DNUN: Danger Notification and User Navigation

    This article introduces the authors’ Danger Notification and User Navigation (DNUN) application, which works in conjunction with a geolocation system to save the location of users or objects for emergency rescue or later navigation. The DNUN mobile application can help rescue a user by sending an email with a danger notification to intended contacts.

  • Turbocharge React with GraphQL

    GraphQL and React are two Facebook technologies that have grown up together. In this article, Shane Stillwell shows how GraphQL, a strongly-typed JavaScript-based language, helps developers build relationships with their data and improves marshaling across service boundaries. GraphQL is extensible, works alongside REST, and can be implemented in any back-end software solution.