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InfoQ Java Trends Report - December 2024
This report summarizes how the InfoQ Java editorial team and several Java Champions currently see the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the Java and JVM space in 2024. We focus on Java the language, as well as related languages like Kotlin and Scala, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and Java-based frameworks and utilities.
InfoQ Software Architecture and Design Trends Report - April 2024
The InfoQ Trends Reports offer InfoQ readers a comprehensive overview of key topics worthy of attention. The reports also guide the InfoQ editorial team towards cutting-edge technologies in our reporting. In conjunction with the report and trends graph, our accompanying podcast features insightful discussions among the editors digging deeper into some of the trends.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs for the Layman
This article will introduce you to zero-knowledge proofs, a kind of cryptography you can use to provide the proof you know a secret, such as a private key or the solution to a problem, without ever sharing it to an interested party. While many articles exist on the topic, this will not require any high math knowledge.
InfoQ Software Architecture and Design Trends Report - April 2023
This article provides an overview of how the InfoQ editorial team sees the Software Architecture and Design topic evolving in 2023, with a focus on what architects are designing for today.
The Process of Creating Decentralized Apps (dApps)
A decentralized application has a different architectural approach; they are working on distributed ledger technology called blockchain, where there is no central point of failure nor third parties involved. A revolutionary and attractive technology for new opportunities. This article covers creating such applications and why they are needed, as well as challenges during implementation.
Open-Source Testing: Why Bug Bounty Programs Should Be Embraced, Not Feared
The growing importance of the Web3 ecosystem based on blockchains shows how important community test programs are. Some within the testing community see this trend as a threat. However, it is actually an opportunity. Bug bounties and open-source test contributions are a great tool for test teams, and there is every reason for testers to embrace this new trend rather than to fear it.
InfoQ Mobile and IoT Trends Report 2022
This report summarizes the views of the InfoQ editorial team and of several practitioners from the software industry about emerging trends in a number of areas that we collectively label the mobile and IoT space. This is a rather heterogeneous space comprising devices and gadgets from smartphones to smart watches, from IoT appliances to smart glasses, voice-driven assistants, and so on.
An Introduction to Post-Quantum Public Key Cryptography
Though quantum computers are in their infancy, their further development could make them commercially available. When that day comes, all public and private keys will be exposed to quantum threats, a massive risk for every organization. Understanding quantum computing growth and the impact it would have on cryptography is key for everyone, irrespective of their role.
Solutions for Testing Blockchain: Private Blockchains, Permutations, and Shifting Left
Blockchain is an emerging software architecture that has the potential to be a big disruptor in the industry. With change however, comes the added risk of quality issues. As developers and test engineers, we need to be prepared for those changes to better adapt to the new technology and allow for the continued development of software and products through it, without compromising on quality.
Forensic Monitoring of Blockchains is Key for Broader Industry Adoption
This article presents a new blockchain consensus mechanism, XinFin Delegated Proof-of-Stake Consensus Protocol 2.0, that provides a higher level of trust by creating an efficient judiciary system. It has been designed to keep all verifying nodes accountable and allow for bad actors to be identified and effectively neutralized.
Private vs. Public Blockchains for Enterprise Business Solutions
In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using blockchain for business solutions, describing the differences between public and private versions of this technology in practice. We’ll also talk about a new type of chain — a hybrid of private and public chains which takes the benefits of both to create a truly versatile platform with no compromises.
Add Augmented Reality Effects to Android Apps Using the VrFace Library
In this article, we describe how to create augmented reality applications for Android using the open-source VrFace library. In the process, you will also learn about basic vision and ML techniques, including how to process camera frames using OpenCV and how to detect faces and facial feature points using appropriate models.