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InfoQ Homepage Frameworks Content on InfoQ

  • Q&A with Frederic Laloux on Reinventing Organizations

    In the book reinventing organizations Frederic Laloux researched 12 organizations who use fundamentally new ways to manage work and their employees. InfoQ interviewed Frederic about how evolutionary-teal organizations manage themselves, practices for start-ups, self-organizing organizations, renewing approaches for managing performance of employees and results from evolutionary-teal organizations.

  • Capturing Compliance Requirements: A Pattern-Based Approach

    Assuring compliance across an enterprise is critical and necessitates a holistic approach for defining a consistent set of process and system level controls. In this article, authors discuss a new pattern-based framework to capture and manage business process compliance requirements. They also talk about implementation of the framework and two case studies in banking and e-business domains.

  • Dan Allen on Arquillian Testing Framework

    Arquillian is an integration and functional testing platform that can be used for Java middleware testing. It helps bring the tests to the runtime environment, freeing developers from managing runtime from within the test. InfoQ caught up with Dan Allen to talk about the framework features and its future roadmap.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: CERT Resilience Management Model

    CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM), developed at Software Engineering Institute (SEI), defines the processes for managing operational resilience in complex risk-evolving environments. InfoQ spoke with Rich Caralli, Technical Manager of the CERT Resilient Enterprise Management Team, about RMM framework and the book he co-authored.

  • Making Microsoft Sync Framework work with PostgreSql

    Microsoft Sync Framework is used for occasionally connected clients, for peer-peer applications, and other applications where data needs to be synchronized between multiple data stores. While it doesn’t include providers for non-Microsoft databases, the framework makes it easy to add that support. Roopesh Shenoy demonstrates using PostgreSql.

  • A Comparison of Spring MVC and JAX-RS

    SpringSource's Rossen Stoyanchev introduces the Spring MVC REST features available in Spring 3 and relates them to JAX-RS, highlighting the similarities and differences between the two programming models.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Jaroslav Tulach's Practical API Design

    Jaroslav Tulach's latest book Practical API Design covers the topic of API design of software projects. He brings his experience as the architect for NetBeans IDE project to the writing of this book. InfoQ spoke with Jaroslav about his new book, the main motivation for writing it and other topics. We are also making an excerpt from the book available for our readers.

  • A Fusion of Proven Ideas: A Look Behind S#arp Architecture

    In this article Billy McCafferty presents S#arp Architecture, an ASP.NET MVC architectural framework meant to leverage current best practices in architecting ASP.NET web applications by providing a project code template which uses Domain-Driven Design techniques and has built-in support for NHibernate, Castle Windsor and SQLite.

  • Enterprise-Ruby Wish List

    Francis Cianfrocca asks "What do enterprise developers need, that they're not getting from their tools today?" Based on the answers to that question, he examines whether Ruby currently has anything valuable to offer in the form of an Enterprise Ruby wishlist.