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InfoQ Homepage Groovy Content on InfoQ

  • An Alternative Build System: Gradle 1.0 Released

    Gradle 1.0, a build system powered by a Groovy DSL, has been released. Gradle is compatible with Ant tasks, Maven repositories, and has support for the popular IDEs. It attempts to find the sweet spot between the flexibility of Ant and convention-over-configuration of Maven.

  • Travis CI Announces Support for Java and Plans for Travis Pro

    Travis CI, a cloud-based continuous integration (CI) offering for open source projects on Github, has announced support for Java builds, as well as Scala and Groovy additions. After gaining traction among the Ruby open source community the project is now looking into the possibility of expansion to a hosted CI service (nicknamed Travis Pro).

  • Grails 2.0 Released with Improved Usability, Class Reloading, and Query DSL

    The Grails development team at SpringSource, a division of VMWare, recently announced the release of Grails 2.0. This release improves Grails usability akin to Roo console support. GORM, the persistence layers in Grails, maximises the DSL support from the Groovy 1.8 via AST transformations.

  • Latest Happenings and Future of Groovy: 1.8, 2.0 and Beyond

    Performance and productivity improvements have gone into recent editions of Groovy and more are on tap. InfoQ caught up with Guillaume Laforge to discuss how AST improve developer productivity, built-in JSON support, domain specific language support improvements, optimizations, and Groovy's roadmap for 1.9, 2.0, including Java 7 language support and Groovy adoption rates.

  • Martin Lippert on the newly released SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6

    Martin Lippert at VMWare's SpringSource recently announced the 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 releases of their Eclipse-based development environment for building Spring applications, SpringSource Tool Suite. InfoQ caught up with Martin to have him personally walk us through what developers can look forward to with this new release, and more.

  • Python Wins Tiobe's Language of the Year Award for 2010

    Tiobe's award is given to the programming language that gained most market share in 2010. Objective-C was the leader for most of 2010 but got lost ground in the last couple of months. Python grew it's market share by 1.81% since January 2010, which is nearly 4 times the overall marketshare of SAP's programming language ABAP.

  • Groovy 1.7, Grails 1.2 and Groovy Eclipse 2.0 Updates Include Dependency Management,Language Support

    The Groovy language, version 1.7, was recently released supporting refinements to the language itself as well as library enhancements. In short succession, SpringSource has announced the Groovy Eclipse IDE 2.0, which brings debugging, refined content-assist, and stub-less compilation to Eclipse's formerly poor Groovy support.

  • Roundup: Scala as the long term replacement for Java

    Scala has been receiving much attention lately as a possible candidate to replace Java in the future. James Strachan creator of Groovy advocates in favor of Scala as James Gosling, creator of Java and Charles Nutter JRuby Core Developer, have done in the past.

  • Is It Premature to Talk About C++ and Java’s Legacy?

    Bruce Eckel’s recent blog post on the legacy left by C++ and Java generated a lot of reaction. While mentioning some design mistakes, he concludes that both languages have had a significant role in programming languages evolution and an important positive legacy. But is it not too early to talk about their legacy?

  • Make Way for Grails 1.1

    Recently SpringSource released version 1.6 of the Groovy programming language and now they've followed up with a new version of Grails.

  • Just the Cure, More Groovy

    Groovy 1.6 was released recently and provides plenty of new features and improvements, in particular speed was a major focus by the development team.

  • Dynamic Report for Java and Grails

    Reporting is a common feature found in many software applications and DynamicJasper aims to make it a simple and easily configurable process.

  • Beans Exposed with JMX Builder

    JMX has been around for quite some time and now it's gone Groovy. Find out what one developer is doing to provide an easy to use Groovy Builder for exposing your beans.

  • Dynamic Language IDEs: News From Groovy-Eclipse

    Another part of our series about IDEs for dynamic languages: a look at the future plans and latest feature additions of Groovy-Eclipse.

  • SpringSource Embraces Groovy and Grails with Acquisition of G2One

    SpringSource announced today the acquisition of G2One, the company behind Grails and Groovy. InfoQ sat down with SpringSource CEO Rod Johnson and G2One CTO Graeme Rocher to discuss the benefits of combining forces.