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InfoQ Homepage Interop Content on InfoQ

  • InfoQ Article: In-Process JVM & CLR Interop

    The two most popular managed environments (the JVM and the CLR) are in fact, nothing more than a set of shared libraries, each providing services to executing code such as memory management, thread management, code compilation (JIT), etc. Using both the JVM and the CLR inside the same operating system process is easy; in this new article, Ted Neward shows how and why.

  • Fire and Motion: What OpenXML Means to IBM and Lotus Notes

    In the on going debate between ODF and OpenXML, two things are becoming clear. The first is that both ODF and OpenXML are essentially proprietary formats dressed up to be open standards. The second is neither IBM nor Microsoft is going to back down.

  • OASIS WS-Transaction (almost) a standard

    The OASIS WS-TX technical committee held a face-to-face meeting last week at IBM Hursely. This is likely the last such meeting prior to final standardisation of WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and WS-BusinessActivity.

  • OpenXML vs ODF: Round 2

    One of the most hotly debated areas in the OpenXML spec is the number of partially documented compatibility flags. But as we see, ODF isn't innocent in this area either.

  • VB 8 Compiling on Mono

    Rolf Bjarne's VB 8 compiler is now self-hosting on Mono. This represents a major milestone for both the Mono team and the VB language.

  • GigaSpaces 5.2: Adds support for Spring, .NET, local-views

    GigaSpaces this month released version 5.2 of their in-memory datagrid and space-based architecture suite, now bringing it's capabilities to the .NET world, as well as adding support for Spring, SQL-based continuous queries and local-views, and special support for "slow consumers". InfoQ spoke to GigaSpaces CTO Nati Shalom to find out more.

  • Debate: JSON vs. XML as a data interchange format

    The debate about JSON vs. XML as a data interchange format has begun in blogspace, following JSON inventor and architect at Yahoo Douglas Crockford's talk at XML 2006 JSON, the fat-free alternative to XML. Microsoft's XML head Mike Champion weighed in, as well as Sun's Tim Bray and many others.

  • WPF as a Rich Client Technology?

    WPF makes it easy to create visually impressive apps, but also has other talents which make it a compelling choice as a rich client over back-ends written in any technology such as Java, Ruby, or .NET. A new article on InfoQ compares WPF to alternatives such as Ajax/DHTML, Swing, and Flash; it will also look at some scenarios where a WPF client makes sense, using Java as the back-end example.

  • Presentation: Ted Neward demos WPF-Java & other .NET+Java integrations

    In this presentation recorded at JAOO, Ted Neward goes into further depth on Java and .NET integration strategies, explaining how Microsoft Office can be a rich client over Java, demonstrating buiding a Windows Presentation Foundation GUI on top of Java POJOs, Windows Communications Foundation interop, and more.

  • JNBridge 3.1: Embed SWT/Swing in .NET and Winforms in Java

    JNBridge 3.1 is a Java and .NET interoperability bridge tool that allows Java or .NET code to run in each others JVM or CLR in-process, with shared memory. Version 3.1 adds the ability to embed AWT/SWT and Swing widgets inside WinForms apps, or embed .NET WinForms controls into Java UIs. InfoQ spoke to JNBridge to hear more about the technical integration.

  • Visual Basic Migration Strategy Part 2 - Interop User Controls

    Back in September, Microsoft's VB team gave developers a way to include .NET forms in VB6 applications. In their latest CTP, they also bring you the ability to include .NET controls on a VB6 form.

  • Python for .NET

    IronPython is an excellent solution for developers who need their .NET support for their Python applications. That is, unless they also need libraries that are only supported by C++ extensions. This is where Python for .NET comes in.

  • Oracle Whitepaper on Benefits of .NET Introp

    As part of Oracle's Middleware Fusion announcements last week, Oracle has published a whitepaper on the benefits and techniques for interoperability with .NET for software projects using Java or any of Oracle's products.

  • Interop using OpenXML Spreadsheet Markup Language

    OpenXML is a new standard useful for transfering data across process boundaries in a heterogenous environment. By using XML as a common interoperability technology, when someone wants to move data from one type of system to another, that will be relatively easy to accomplish. The licensing mechanism is completely open, and the documentation is rich.

  • Novell and Microsoft Announce Interop Collaboration

    Novell and Microsoft have announced a set of business and technical collaboration agreements to build, market and support a series of new solutions to make Novell and Microsoft products work better together.The over all goal of the agreement is greater interoperability and manageability between mixed Windows and Linux infrastructures.