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InfoQ Homepage Java EE Content on InfoQ

  • Developing Portlets using JSF, Ajax, and Seam (Part 1 of 3)

    This article, the first in a three-part series, lays the framework for the rest of the series. It covers setting up a new project using JBoss Portlet Container and JBoss Portlet Bridge, configuring a JSF application to use JBoss Portlet Bridge, and the capabilities that JBoss Portlet Bridge provides to a JSF application.

  • Beyond SOA: A New Type of Framework for Dynamic Business Applications - Part II

    In this second part of their article, the authors explore the architecture of Dynamic Business Applications and introduce the concept of a Resource Container. They demonstrate how this architecture can be layered on top of JEE and how it impacts implementation productivity.

  • Java Object Persistence: State of the Union

    In this virtual panel, the editors of (Floyd Marinescu) and (Roberto V. Zicari) asked a group of leading persistence solution architects their views on the current state of the union in persistence in the Java community.

  • Software Testing With Spring Framework

    Srini & Kavitha Penchikala provide an overview of the support provided by Spring framework in the areas of unit and integration testing. I will use a sample loan processing web application to help the readers in implementing an Agile Testing framework in a typical Java EE application and how to use Spring test classes to test the application functionality.

  • Setting out for Service Component Architecture

    Henning Blohm, Java EE Software Architect at SAP and Co-Chair of the SCA-J Technical Committee provides his perspective on Service Component Architecture as a cross-technology programming model integration. He argues that for vendors, SCA lowers the marginal costs of providing implementation or binding technology to its users and for users SCA reduces the marginal costs of making use of them.

  • Creating dynamic web applications with JSF/DWR/DOJO

    JSF, DWR, and Dojo are all popular technologies in their own right. Integrating them into a portal environment can prove an intimidating exercise however. This article looks at how one developer implemented such a solution using custom JSF components.

  • Introduction to ActiveMessaging for Rails

    The maintainer of ActiveMessaging for Ruby on Rails gives a comprehensive and informative introduction to his open-source framework, which enables enterprise messaging technologies to be easily integrated with Ruby on Rails applications, and is getting support from noted industry leaders such as James Strachan and Jon Tirsen.

  • Messaging Interop with JMS & Spring.NET

    Message oriented middleware has long been a popular choice to integrate diverse platforms. Using MOM as a basis for communication between .NET and Java this article demonstrates interoperability between a .NET client and a Java middle tier using the JMS support in the Spring framework, available for .NET as well as Java, to provide a common programming model across both tiers of the application.

  • Arjen Poutsma on Spring Web Services

    InfoQ's Stefan Tilkov talks to Spring Web Services creator Arjen Poutsma about Spring's Java Web services stack and the different approach it has to building Java Web services. Topics covered include the reason for yet another WS framework, advantages of contract-first, document-driven Web services, JAX-WS, and REST.

  • Introduction to JBoss Seam

    JBoss Seam is a new full-stack web application framework that unifies and integrates Ajax, JSF, EJB3, Portlets, and BPM. This article is an editted excerpt of chapters 1 and 2 from the first (to-be-released) book on Seam by Michael Yuan and Thomas Heute. It explains what Seam can do and grounds the concepts with a HelloWorld example.

  • An Update on Spring 2.0 Final

    Spring 2.0 was initially supposed to come out in June/July, why the delay? InfoQ interviewed the Spring team - based on massive community feedback, the team has chosen to delay the launch to Sept 26th in order work on asynchronous JMS capabilities, JPA, the new JSP form tag library, OSGi integration, documentation, and backwards compatibility.

  • Grails + EJB Domain Models Step-by-Step

    Grails brings Ruby on Rails style productivity to the Java platform, built on the Groovy language and fully integrated with Java. This tutorial shows how to use Grails to quickly build a functional website around an existing EJB 3 entity bean domain model with very little code