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A Standardized, Specification-Driven API Lifecycle
At QCon Plus last November, Kin Lane, Chief Evangelist with Postman, and the Open Technologies Team lead presented on API specifications. API specifications are essential to him and at Postman. So he wanted to share a bit of how they see API specifications impacting how they produce and consume APIs.
Article Series: Getting a Handle on Data Science as a Software Developer
Software developers and managers are realizing that they need data science among their skills, to be able to tackle pressing problems. In this series, field experts provide guidance to help us navigate among the available data analysis options. They explore ways of understanding where data science is needed and where it’s not, and how to turn it into an asset.
From Raw Data to Data Science: Adding Structure to Unstructured Data to Support Product Development
With unstructured database technologies like Cassandra, MongoDB and even JSON storage in Postgres, unstructured data has become remarkably easy to store and to process. Software and data engineers alike can succeed in a world (mostly) free from data modelling, which is no longer a prerequisite to collecting data or extracting value from it.
Using vfsStream to Test File Uploads with Laravel
Testing of uploading files can be tricky, but with the right tools and the knowledge of a few tricks, the process can be more efficient and a lot less difficult. This article goes over creating an endpoint to upload a CSV file of users and testing that users in the CSV are displayed in the JSON response, as well as adding validation to ensure CSV files are the types of files being dealt with.
Using Templates to Transform Web Service Results into Markup
The HTTP-RPC open-source Java framework returns results in JSON by default, but can use the CTemplate system to respond with custom markup. In this article, Greg Brown shows how simple annotations can be used to automatically respond to a web service in any markup (HTML, XML, CSV, etc.).
IAP: Fast, Versatile Alternative to HTTP
Jakob Jenkov's organization has analyzed the modern application stack, including high level architectures, concrete technologies like databases, query languages, messaging, distributed computing models, & network protocols, and constructed the next gen alternative to HTTP. IAP is the resulting emerging standard protocol, and ION the high speed alternative to JSON and Protocol Buffers.
The APIs.json Discovery Format: Potential Engine in the API Economy
In the fast growing world of APIs and microservices, finding just the right API when you are developing a web, or mobile application, or possibly integrating between existing systems, is always a tedious task.
Building a Mars Rover Application with DynamoDB
DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service that aims to be easily managed, so you don't have to worry about administrative burdens such as operating and scaling. This article shows how to use Amazon DynamoDB to create a Mars Rover application. You can use the same concepts described in this post to build your own web application.
Apache CouchDB: The Definitive Introduction
Apache CouchDB is an open source document NoSQL database that uses JSON for storing documents. In this article, Jan Lehnardt gives an overview of CouchDB, its architecture and what problems it aims to solve and why it is different from all other databases.
Adding Flexibility to your REST Implementation with Yoga
In cases when one desires to provide fine-grained control over the structure of the document responses based on the needs of their clients, Yoga is an open source alternative that integrates with existing REST applications. Yoga provides clients the ability to use selectors, which can be used as projection, selection and join relational operators.
Building FlightCaster's Frontends for the Web and Smartphones
In part two of InfoQ's interview with the FlightCaster team, we discuss scaling Rails on Heroku, the problems of integrating data from multiple providers and mobile smartphone applications.
Flex for XML and JSON
Platforms need interoperability. In this article Flex interoperability with JSON and XML is explored. The article including mapping of XML to chart and grid components using the E4X library. It also demonstrates using the as3core library to decode JSON messages.