InfoQ Homepage KCDC 2015 Content on InfoQ
Concurrency Options on the JVM
Jessica Kerr covers some of the concurrency tools existing in JVM languages including ExecutorService, Futures, Akka actors, and core.async coroutines, providing advice on writing deadlock-free code.
One Delegate to Rule Them All: Understanding OWIN
Keith Dahlby overviews OWIN, discussing its implications for .NET web application design and reviewing a real-world example of OWIN in action.
Are You a SOLID Coder?
Steve Green introduces SOLID principles with coding examples tailored for novice and intermediate developers.
REST for an Hour
Lyndsey Padget introduces the basic principles of RESTful APIs, terminology, design patterns, data, pitfalls, best practices, and others.
Getting Pushy with SignalR and Reactive Extensions
Jim Wooley outlines the synergies between SignalR and Reactive Extensions enabling asynchronous LINQ over HTTP push notifications sent to a variety of clients.
Exploratory Data Analysis with R
Matthew Renze introduces the R programming language and demonstrates how R can be used for exploratory data analysis.
Climbing the Totem Pole - from Dev to Dev Manager
Melissa Greene explores the pitfalls of management.