InfoQ Homepage Management Content on InfoQ
Help: I Didn’t Realize I Was a Manager Now!
Peter Gillard-Moss tries to help people understand how they can grow to become a great engineering manager.
Being a Bad Influence – the Dangerous Dichotomies of People Management
Hannah Foxwell shares the nightmares of people management, recounts some of the mistakes she's made and shares the lessons learnt along the way.
A CTO That Still Codes: My Tortuous Path to the Staff-Plus Engineer Role
Fabiane Nardon discusses the skills needed to be a successful contributor, how what she learned as a manager helped her be a better technical leader, and the need for companies to support Staff-Plus.
Remotely Operated: Managing Scattered Teams
Anjuan Simmons provides guidance for how managers can support remote teams and help them improve performance.
Creating Stability in Uncertain Times
Sarah Shewell covers strategies for new scheduling demands and performance management.
Lead Times and Psychological Safety within the Five Ideals
Gene Kim shares the Five Ideals and how they relate to Chaos Engineering. He’ll also show how the Five Ideals help build stronger, better performing, and ultimately more reliable companies.
Make It Safe! Psychological Safety for You and Your Teams
Steven Limmer talks about the initial management of software and how it evolved to Agile, and then discusses the common issues with “Agile”, and how this has led to failure and mistrust.
Help! No Managers?
Ralph van Roosmalen discusses agile management, self-organizing teams, and organizations without managers.
Managing for Serendipity
Liz Keogh looks at some different strategies for approaching complex ecosystems, starting from status quo, and allowing innovation to emerge through obliquity, naivety, and serendipity.
Chaos Engineering for People Systems
Dave Rensin shares his experiences building stronger systems, teams, and companies at Google over the last five years.
Security for Managers
Mario Areias presents a different way of engaging security, and, in doing so, he’ll make the case that security can deliver value without necessarily being a blocker.
Lightning Talks: Joy of Coding
In this series of short talks the authors address a wide range of topics from test automation with Cucumber, to technical debt, quantum computing, how to keep coding after 50, and others.