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  • Sonatype Offers Insight Into Enterprise Open Source Usage

    Sonatype, the main company which drives Maven development, has joined a growing list of companies which aim to help organisations understand and audit their open source software usage, with the announcement of the Sonatype Insight software suite.

  • Java.Net Artefacts in Maven Central

    Sonatype and Oracle have joined forces to provide stability and quality to Maven artefacts. A Nexus Pro instance now hosts the artefacts at, and they are synchronised into Maven Central for widespread consumption.

  • Annotation-Driven Dependency Injection with Google Guice 3.0

    Late last month Google released Guice 3.0, a Java framework that implements the dependency injection (DI) design pattern. The motivation behind Guice was to make it easier for programmers to write DI code by reducing the need to write boilerplate factories. This article examines the new 3.0 features, loks at how Guice 3.0 supports Spring DI, and introduces Guice 4.1 (a.k.a. MiniGuice).

  • Maven 3.0 Released

    Sonatype today announced the release of Maven 3, the biggest change since Maven 2 was released in 2005. The release of Maven 3 has been backed up by significant automated testing using open-source projects in the field to try and prevent backward incompatibilities. As a result, Maven 3 should just be a drop-in replacement for Maven 2, with an increase in performance.

  • Maven, Ant, Rake: JRuby 1.5 Enhances Configuration Management

    With its upcoming 1.5 release, anticipated at the end of April, the JRuby project is continuing to improve interoperability between Java and Ruby by providing integration with Maven, Ant and Rake. Ruby developers will be able to take greater advantage of strengths of the Java platform, while Java developers will find more reasons to mix Ruby tools into their existing projects.

  • Maven to be Built on Guice

    Sonatype, the professional services company that sponsors the development of many key Maven committers, has announced that they will build Maven 3 atop the Guice Dependency Injection (DI) container instead of the Plexus DI container employed for Maven 1 and 2. Backwards compatability will be ensured using a shim to support Plexus.

  • Maven and JRuby Roundup: Maven_gem Brings Maven Libs to RubyGems, GemCutter Inspires JavaGems

    JRuby's Charles Nutter is making Maven artifacts installable as RubyGems. An alternative to using Maven is JavaGems, built on RubyGems, Bundler and Gemcutter to make it easier to install libraries for Scala, Clojure and other JVM languages. Also, JRuby gets the ability to generate real Java classes.

  • Clojure Roundup: Distribution with Crane, Mathematics with Incanter, Builds with Leiningen 1.0

    FlightCaster recently open sourced Crane, a tool for distributing and remotely controlling Clojure instances, currently specialized for EC2. Incanter is a Clojure library and tool that makes R-like statistical computations easy with Clojure. Also: the build and dependency management tool Leiningen 1.0 is now available.

  • Bundle.update: OSGi in Java EE, JSR 294 Marked Inactive

    Since the last bundle.update, a number of interesting events have occurred in the OSGi and modular Java space. JSR 294 has been (automatically) marked as inactive, the Enterprise Expert Group has released draft 4, WebSphere will allow direct running of OSGi applications and upcoming OSGi conferences have early bird discounts and call for speakers finishing soon.

  • Clojars and Leiningen Automate Library and Dependency Management for Clojure

    Managing libraries and dependencies is tedious. Clojars is a new hosted repository for Clojure libraries inspired by Ruby Gems and Gemcutter. Together with a new build tool, Leiningen, Clojars takes the pain out of library management. InfoQ talked to Alex Osborne about Clojars and how it works.

  • Can the Simple Module System save JSR294?

    Over the past month there has been a lot of debate on the current state of the Java Modularity working group (JSR 294). Although the JSR tries to find common ground between different module systems (notably Sun's Project Jigsaw and OSGi), the current set of proposals are overly complex and introduce the world's first concept of a meta-module system. Can the Simple Module System save JSR294?

  • Apache Ivy 2.0 Final Released

    Apache Ivy 2.0, a project dependency manager, has been released. 2.0 is the first release of Ivy as an official Apache project.

  • Apache Ivy 2.0.0-RC2: Closing in on 2.0

    Apache Ivy, a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and reporting) project dependencies has reached its second release candidate, preparing for the final 2.0 release.

  • Jason Van Zyl Discusses Sonatype, The Eclipse Foundation and Maven

    Sonatype, the main company which drives Maven development, recently announced that they are joining the Eclipse Foundation as a Strategic Developer. InfoQ spoke with Sonatype CTO and Maven founder Jazon Van Zyl to learn more about this partnership and what it means for the future of Maven.

  • Debate: Is Maven the right tool for builds?

    Recently, there has been a lot of debate around the usefulness Maven, which is a Java-based build and dependency management tool being used in many projects. InfoQ took a closer look at this debate to understand what issues are being encountered, and what has resulted from the debate.