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Model Driven Development Beyond Code Generation
Darius Silingas discusses Test-driven Modeling, Model-driven Requirements Management and System Documentation, and Architecture Planning & Code Review, noting that MDD is more than code generation.
MDSD on the iPhone
Heiko Behrens shows how to create an iPhone domain specific language using model-driven software development.
Strategic Design - Responsibility Traps
Eric discusses the need for strategic thinking and how early design decisions can affect project and organization trajectories and why they involve much more than mere architecture.
What I've learned about DDD since the book
Eric Evans reviews what he has learned in the 5 years since the publication of Domain Driven Design. He also describes some new patterns and talks about changes of emphasis for existing patterns.
The Science of Computing and the Engineering of Software
Sir C.A.R. Hoare discusses the relationship between the science of computing and the engineering of software with science supplying theory and engineering, principles, practices, and results.
Convergence: Model-Based Software, Systems And Control Engineering
Janos Sztipanovits attempts to tackle the complexity of large scale systems integration by approaching software, systems and control engineering convergence through model-based design.
Intentional Software - Democratizing Software Creation
Business users doing programming? Simonyi and Kolk presents how Intentional Software offers a radical new software approach that separates business knowledge from software engineering knowledge.
Business Natural Languages Development in Ruby
Jay Fields presents his concept of Business Natural Languages - a type of Domain Specific Languages geared towards being readable by domain experts.