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  • Agile Testers can be a Harlequin

    Agile testers can signal and question the (testing) process. Marnix van den Ent gave a talk at the Agile Testing Days 2015 in which he explained how he views testers as a harlequin: "a servant to the team and its process, like the Italian Harlequin he is there to help to understand what is happening". An interview about developing an art of questioning, XP practices and retrospectives.

  • Uncle Bob Proposes an Oath to Programmers

    Uncle Bob proposes an oath to software programmers as other professions have, considering the importance of this craftsmanship.

  • Q&A with David Anderson on Enterprise Services Planning

    Enterprise Services Planning is a way of planning, scheduling, sequencing, and selecting work for professional services. It extends Kanban for enterprise-wide service improvement. InfoQ interviewed Anderson about what Enterprise Services Planning (ESP) aims to deliver, how it can be used to manage risks, how cost of delay can be used inside ESP, and why feedback loops are important in ESP.

  • Scala Experimental Platform Dotty Bootstraps

    Dotty, a platform aimed to develop new technology for Scala tooling as well as try out new concepts for future Scala versions, has reached bootstrap status. This means that its compiler is written in Dotty and can compile itself, thus providing a drop-in replacement for the original one. InfoQ has spoken with Dotty major contributor Dmitry Petrashko.

  • Managing Project Portfolios with Obeya Rooms

    Obeya is a management approach that uses war rooms and visualization for managing projects. InfoQ did an interview with Malika Mir about why she decided to implement Obeya, how they are using Obeya to manage project portfolios, their experiences with Obeya and the benefits that they have got from it.

  • Domain Events and Eventual Consistency

    Eventual consistency is a design approach for improving scalability and performance. Domain events, a tactical element in Domain-Driven Design (DDD), can help in facilitating eventual consistency, Florin Preda and Mike Mogosanu writes in separate blog posts, each describing the advantages achievable.

  • Nexus Guide for Scrum is Published

    Nexus is a framework for developing and sustaining large software development projects. The Nexus Guide can be used next to the Scrum Guide to scale Scrum and support the integrated effort of multiple software development teams.

  • Playing Games with the Agile Essentials

    The agile essentials from Ivar Jacobson International is a starter kit of agile practices, provided as a deck of cards. Teams can play games with these cards to learn agile practices and inspect and adapt their way of working.

  • Dino Esposito on CQRS, Messages and Events

    Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is the starting point of a change that will have a profound impact on system architecture, Dino Esposito claims in three articles in MSDN Magazine. It’s the first step in an evolution transitioning software architects from the idea of “models-to-persist” to the idea of “events-to-log” and about event-based data instead of data snapshots.

  • Introducing DDD in a Project at “Which?”

    After failing with two proof of concept, mainly with scalability issues, when trying to renew their main website the business decided to take a more agile and incremental approach and in a restart of the project inspired by Domain-Driven Design (DDD) having developers talk with domain experts, Chris Patuzzo explains describing the principles of DDD in the context of a real project.

  • Six Ways of Improving Behaviour-Driven Development

    Remembering that automation is a side benefit and not the reason for BDD is one improvement to more closely follow the recommendations of BDD thought leaders, Joe Colantonio explains noticing six ways of improving work with a BDD mindset.

  • 10 Common DDD Mistakes to Avoid

    Not interacting with domain experts is one of a common set of mistakes done when using Domain-Driven Design (DDD), finding and correcting them early on may save a team time, Daniel Whittaker claims describing ten mistakes he regularly see developers do.

  • Udi Dahan on Reuse in Business Logic and Microservices

    Reuse has been a watch word for almost everything that has happened in system development during the last thirty years, but reuse is like cyanide; in really small portions it can be healthy, using it too much it starts doing a lot of damage, Udi Dahan claimed in his presentation giving a different perspective on business logic at this year’s DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • DDD, Events and Microservices

    To make microservices awesome Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is needed, the same mistakes made 5-10 years ago and solved by DDD are made again in the context of microservices, David Dawson claimed in his presentation at this year’s DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift

    At WWDC 2015, Dave Abrahams, of C++/Boost fame and now lead of the Swift Standard Library group at Apple, introduced Swift as a Protocol-oriented language, and showed how protocols can be used to improve your code.