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InfoQ Homepage Value & Metrics Content on InfoQ

  • ESB Roundup Part Two: Use Cases

    This is the second part of InfoQ's ESB series, an exploration of Enterprise Service Bus, or ESB technologies. The focus is use cases required by companies deploying this technology, such as protocol bridging, security intermediation and service virtualization. The article references analyst commentary, survey research results and comments on part one of the ESB roundup.

  • ScrumWorks Release 1.7.0 adds Tagging

    Danube Technologies' latest ScrumWorks release 1.7.0 includes an important feature for enterprise users who need to trace back to multiple backlogs or integrate with other project tools - tagging and filtering with user-managed "themes".

  • Value-Driven Planning and Metrics

    A stable Agile team can cost roughly the same each week, but value delivered changes over time. Agile planning takes into account the customer's view of value, allowing the team to deliver the most important business value right away, and allowing their customer to halt the work when cost exceeds value delivered. Why aren't all teams measuring Business Value? Dan Rawsthorne shows one way to do it.

  • Health Check: Has Your Team Got Rhythm?

    Agile work keeps things simple by putting in place some basic patterns. Sometimes, when problems arise within the process, complex solutions can be averted by simply re-establishing a rhythm in the cycle of releases, iterations, days, stories/features. Agile Journal, in their Metrics edition, published three articles which mention the importance of rhythm as a diagnostic.

  • Should We Manage Both Features and Tasks?

    Although it keeps people busy, managing tasks is neither interesting nor useful. Managing value created provides greater leverage and greater risk management. Jon Kern blogged last week on creating good features (rather than tasks) by focusing on value and testability. But do we sometimes need to manage tasks, too? David Anderson used the Theory of Constraints to back an unexpected answer.

  • SirsiDynix Case Study: Jeff Sutherland on Highly Productive Distributed Scrum

    Scrum co-creator Jeff Sutherland has just finished a paper on the SirsiDynix project, which he calls the most productive large Java project ever documented. The project used Distributed Scrum and some XP practices. Although distributed teams are often expected to experience reduced productivity, this team's productivity level matched that measured by Cohn on a co-located team!

  • Anderson's "Agile Management" Reviewed

    Stick Minds has posted two reviews of David Anderson's "Agile Management for Software Engineering: Applying the Theory of Constraints for Business Results", in which Anderson combines TOC and Agile approaches. The book targets senior IT executives, project managers, development managers, and team leads. Do manufacturing metrics really enhance Agile software development? Apparently the jury is out.

  • Worth Repeating: The BigBook Technique

    Mark Hedlund has a favourite story: he tells of the BigBook Technique, a simple ploy engineers once used to communicate with their CEO about a death-march project. With yet another big-project implosion in the news, Hedlund felt the need to roll out this simple remedy, again. In effect: nine women simply cannot deliver a baby in one month. If that sounds familiar, this story may be of use to you.

  • Is the Feedback Loop Worth the Time?

    John Brothers, on Indefinite Articles, blogged an interesting conversation last week between Mary Poppendieck and Robert Bogue. Drawn from the Agile Project Management newsgroup, it pointed out two different stances on the relative cost and value of "frequent feedback", a key component of Agile methodologies.