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IoT and Microservices in the Home
Fred George explores the use of asynchronous microservices to implement a home IoT environment of heterogeneous devices, including lights and motion sensors on a J2ME-like environment.
Beyond OAuth2: End to End Microservice Security
Will Tran discusses enforcing microservices’ security policies with OAuth2.
Distributed Scheduler Hell
Matthew Campbell offers tips and tricks choosing between different container schedulers -Mesos, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Nomad, manual - for different applications/microservices.
An Introduction to Distributed Tracing and Zipkin
Adrian Cole overviews debugging latency problems using call graphs created by Zipkin and reviews the ecosystem, including tools to trace other languages and frameworks.
Secure Microservices Adoption
Grygoriy Gonchar describes the benefits of the microservices architecture for security and how to deal with authentication, keeping track of dependencies and storing lots of credentials.
Architecture Patterns for Microservices in Kubernetes
Thomas Fricke describes some common patterns to build applications for use in containers, with real world examples using Kubernetes.
AaaS – Anything as a Service. Anything Left to Do, Then?
Dustin Huptas compares private infrastructure with cloud IaaS. PaaS, serverless, considering pros and cons and discussing cases where either model makes sense.
Serverless - Power to the Black Box!
Michael Bruns shows for which purposes serverless is a good fit, how it actually works and in which cases it is better to avoid it.
Monitoring Bash Microservices at Scale
Paul Bellamy covers epic fails experienced moving to microservices using the RED method to monitor what matters, and production outages they solved with detailed telemetry.
The Complexity That Is Hidden in Microservices and Event Sourcing
Satyajit Ranjeev shares his experience building an event sourcing system with microservices, including tips and trade-offs dealing with them.
Understand, Automate, and Collaborate for Development Speed with Microservices
Russ Miles discusses how to ensure proper collaboration between microservices teams using the Atomist suite of ChatOps tools and services.
Microservices: The Organizational and People Impact
Daniel Bryant presents challenges the OpenCredo team have seen when implementing microservices, suggesting tricks and techniques to manage 'micro' teams at the 'macro' level.