Agile experts
James Shoreand
Diana Larsenwill benefit from federal funding to teach two courses in Portland, Oregon this month, from Employer Workforce Training Funds and the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development. The courses are on Agile development techniques, and are being offered through the
Software Association of Oregon (SAO)and
Worksystems, Inc (WSI).
The courses to be offered are “
The Art of Agile Planning” and “
The Art of Agile Delivery”. This event marks an interesting twist in the agile training arena, in that it is is being funded, in part, with
Employer Workforce Training Funds, a Federal grant, administered by the
Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development.
That an initiative like this is originating in Portland (sometimes called the "
Silicon Forest") seems fitting as Portland is known to be the home of some of the pioneers of the agile movement itself, including Shore and Larsen but also people like
Ward Cunningham.
Jim Shore stated this about the state of agile and its current place in the industry:
The entire software industry is moving towards utilizing Agile for all sorts of projects, including product development as well as proprietary applications. Using Agile methods, developers do their work more productively, have more fun doing it, and produce excellent quality software in less time.”
Heather Ficht, Senior Project Manager for WSI, said this about her company's involvement in the event:
Business representatives from the software industry have identified Agile development as a key training need for their industry. Worksystems is excited to be able to support this training need for existing workers in software industry with workforce training funds.
More information can be found at the
Software Association of Oregon's training network
course calender.