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InfoQ Homepage News JavaPassion Speaker Offers Free JavaFX Programming Online Training

JavaPassion Speaker Offers Free JavaFX Programming Online Training

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The popular online Java training website JavaPassion host Sang Shin has a new free online training course on JavaFX technology. The first session of this course will start on January 30. The presentation slides of first session are already available online in PDF and Open Office ODP formats. The sample application code and other additional material will be available later.

Training course material includes presentation slides, hands-on labs and homework assignments. The list of dates when training material for each class will be ready is announced on the web site. Here is the list of topics that will be covered in the online training course.

  • JavaFX Technology Overview
  • JavaFX Script I - Language Basics
  • JavaFX Script II - Data binding and Triggers
  • Creating GUIs I
  • Creating GUIs II
  • Animation
  • JavaFX and NetBeans
  • JavaFX Media
  • JavaFX Deployment (and Java SE 6 Update 10)
  • Project Nile (Designer Tool)
  • Mixing JavaFX and Java
  • Accessing Web Services, Mashup, JavaScript integration
  • JavaFX Mobile

Some additional topics like JavaFX Widgets will be covered in the subsequent sessions of this course. If you are interested in JavaFX training class, register for the course by sending a blank e-mail message to the e-mail address: For those of you who are not sure what it's like to take this course online, see the details on how the online course works.

Sang Shin has also offered online training in other topics like Java Programming, Java EE Programming, Ajax Programming, Web Services and Ruby/JRuby/Rails Development.


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