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InfoQ Homepage News Community-Driven Research: Most Important and Adoption-Ready Agile Practices?

Community-Driven Research: Most Important and Adoption-Ready Agile Practices?

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InfoQ's research initiative continues with a second question about "What are the Most Important and Adoption-Ready Agile Practices?". This is part of our new service that we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

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3. Champion Questions
Is there something that YOU would like to ask the community? Let us know!
2. Follow Results
As days go by, more people will have contributed their opinion. Be sure to come back to the research item to see how the results have changed.


These questions are not just surveys. We're offering you the chance to be your own analyst, you can share/direct link to your own answers as well as the over all community average.  Ask your co-workers to vote as well, compare opinions vs. each other's, and the community average.  We hope that the transparency in seeing each individual's answer will add credibility and educational value to this research.

InfoQ's purpose is to facilitate the spread of knowledge and innovation in software development. We believe that by asking the right questions and facilitating the community to collaborate to produce definitive, reference-quality results – these questions will bring transparency to areas where you need it, so you can see what is going on and what the community is really doing.  We hope this service will solve debates, help you make adoption decisions, and continue our purpose, on an even bigger scale! 

The success of this open alternative to traditional research is based on you...  Is there something that YOU would like to ask the community? Let us know!



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