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InfoQ Homepage News InfoQ Live March 16: Explore Ways of Reducing Uncertainty in Software Delivery

InfoQ Live March 16: Explore Ways of Reducing Uncertainty in Software Delivery

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InfoQ Live, the one-day virtual event for software engineers and architects, returns on March 16th with a new edition, this time focusing on ways to reduce the uncertainty of your software development cycle. 

Attendees will be able to learn from real-world experience in order to:

  • Effectively test in-production
  • Bring order through chaos engineering
  • Utilize the latest tools in observability to root out problems in real-time

InfoQ Live Sessions Spotlights

Building Reliability One Step at a Time by Ana Medina, Senior Software Engineer @GremlinInc

Building reliability in our organizations allows us to continue giving our customers a great user experience when they need it most. Many companies measure their reliability via “nines of availability” or system uptime percentage. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) has taught us some of the practices we can adopt to reach our availability goals but we have to keep in mind that reaching your organization’s availability goals will be a learning experience and we have to be proactive about responding to failure. 

In this talk, I will share how I have been using Chaos Engineering since 2016 to learn more about the systems I worked on and how this practice can be used to decouple our system’s weak points, learn from incidents and improve monitoring and observability.

Ana Medina, senior software engineer @GremlinInc

Embracing Observability in Distributed Systems by Michael Hausenblas, Open Source Product Developer Advocate in the Container Service Team @awscloud

We will look at the motivation for observability in distributed systems such as containerized microservices. We discuss good practices and current developments around CNCF open-source projects and specifications including OpenTelemetry and FluentBit.

Michael Hausenblas, open source product developer advocate in the Container Service Team @awscloud

InfoQ Live features:

  • Deep-dives with world-class professionals through technical talks
  • Facilitated Q&As with the speakers so you can get answers to your questions
  • Optional roundtable discussions between software professionals to accelerate your learning and become better informed
  • On-demand access to all talks after the event

As part of our "giving back" culture, we are donating 100% of net revenue tickets (minus taxes, credit card fees, and processing fees) for this event to organizations working towards diversity, equity, and inclusion in the technology industry. If you’d like to contribute, register for just $19.95.

Save your spot at InfoQ Live.

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