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  • Amazon Announces General Availability of AWS CodeArtifact

    Recently, Amazon announced the general availability (GA) of AWS CodeArtifact, a fully managed artifact repository service. With this service developers and organizations can securely store and share the software packages used in their development, build, and deployment processes.

  • Apollo Data Graph Platform: a GraphQL Middleware Layer for the Enterprise

    In a recent InfoQ podcast, Matt Debergalis, founder and CTO at Apollo, discussed the motivations for GraphQL and the Apollo Data Graph platform. Key topics explored included data modelling in an enterprise context, and how incrementally adopting GraphQL can help with decoupling the evolution of frontend and backend systems.

  • Rancher Labs Makes Longhorn Generally Available

    Creators of Kubernetes management platform Rancher Labs have made Longhorn, a cloud-native block storage solution, generally available. Longhorn provides a vendor-neutral persistent storage solution that supports the development of stateful applications within Kubernetes. Longhorn is open source, distributed block storage built using microservices.

  • Uber Open-Sources AI Abstraction Layer Neuropod

    Uber open-sourced Neuropod, an abstraction layer for machine learning frameworks that allows researchers to build models in the framework of their choice while reducing the effort of integration, allowing the same production system to swap out models implemented in different frameworks. Neuropod currently supports several frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and TorchScript.

  • C# 9: Simplified Parameter Null Validation

    Simplified parameter null validation has been promoted to a C# 9 feature. This narrowly tailored feature reduces the amount of code needed to validate non-null parameters to a single character in the function signature.

  • New Report Shows "Overwhelming" Cloud Usage

    The new Cloud Adoption in 2020 report from O'Reilly Media paints a picture of "overwhelming" usage of cloud computing. The survey results also revealed growing adoption of Site Reliability Engineering, high but flattening usage of microservices, and limited interest in serverless computing.

  • CamundaCon Live 2020: Highlights

    Earlier this year, Camunda hosted CamundaCon, an online conference on process automation revolving around Camunda's open-source products. The conference featured multiple use-case sessions on process automation, virtual panels on automation and digital transformation, and technical sessions on microservices orchestration and integrating Camunda products with other technologies.

  • Uber Open-Sources Tool to Automatically Clean Up Stale Code

    Uber has open-sourced Piranha, their tool for automated clean up of stale code caused by feature flags that are no longer required. Piranha can be run within a pipeline to continually look for stale code to be cleaned up. Currently Piranha supports Java, Swift, and Objective-C.

  • Mozilla's WebXR Viewer 2.0 Experiments with WebXR-Compliant JavaScript API for iOS

    WebXR 2.0 is a full rewrite of Mozilla's experimental augmented reality (AR) browser aimed to allow web developers to experiment with web-based AR experiences on iOS using WebXR. A key tenet of WebXR 2.0 is its new, specification-complying implementation of the WebXR JavaScript API.

  • WebAssembly Extended with Hot Reloading, Remote Debugging and Uniform Hardware Access

    Researchers recently presented WARDuino, an extension to WebAssembly targeting microcontrollers. WARDuino addresses common development pain points by adding live code updates, remote debugging, and access to the microcontroller’s hardware modules. WARDuino’s virtual machine runs five times faster than Espruino (a popular JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers) on some benchmarks.

  • Paddle Quantum: Bringing Baidu Deep Learning Perform to Quantum Computing

    Baidu has announced quantum machine learning toolkit Paddle Quantum, which makes it possible to build and train quantum neural network models. Paddle Quantum aims to support advanced quantum computing applications as well as to allow developers new to quantum machine learning to create their models step-by-step.

  • Deno Is Ready for Production

    Deno, a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, has reached version 1.0. Written in Rust, Deno addresses many design problems in Node.js, but it also faces challenges in developer adoption.

  • The Defense Department's Journey with DevSecOps

    Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has released a new case study of the DoD's approach to DevSecOps that looks at how they used Kubernetes clusters and other open-source technologies to speed up the releases. While most of the information was already available from the DoD and in their presentations, the CNCF has summarized the venture in one place.

  • HashiCorp Consul: 1.8 Release and New Kubernetes Tutorials

    Closely following the launch of Consul 1.8, the HashiCorp team has released a set of new hands-on tutorials for deploying and using the HashiCorp Consul service mesh capabilities on Kubernetes. The 1.8 launch focuses on enabling gradual adoption of a service mesh across a range of VM and container environments via the use of mesh gateways and ingress and terminating gateways (released in beta).

  • Mental Wellbeing in the Tech Industry: QCon London Q&A

    Businesses are losing a lot of money to mental ill-health. The pace at which the tech industry moves and the pressure to deliver can leave staff struggling to keep up. People have different sweet spots for pressure and performance, and they change over time; the way to know an individual’s sweet spot is by talking to people to find out how they work.