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InfoQ Homepage News Bringing Profiling to Eclipse - The Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform

Bringing Profiling to Eclipse - The Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform

Many developers are unaware that the Eclipse Foundation has had a profiling project in development since 2004. The Eclipse Callisto 3.2 release includes version 4.2 of the Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform (TPTP). recently featured an introduction to using the tool.  TPTP addresses the entire test and performance life cycle, from early testing to production application monitoring, including test editing and execution, monitoring, tracing and profiling, and log analysis capabilities.

In addition the TPTP 4.2 release features a number of technical previews:

  • Automated GUI recording
    TPTP's Automated GUI Recorder allows users to record and playback user interactions under the Eclipse platform. The purpose of the feature is to allow users to automate functional test cases for applications developed under the Eclipse environment.

  • Test coverage analysis using line level coverage
    The line coverage function in TPTP allows you to collect line coverage information as you run or profile your application. This information is useful to identify code not being exercised or, in the case of a JUnit run, to see how much of the code is covered by the existing test cases.

  • JVMTI profiling support
    The new Java Profiler in TPTP allows you to profile your applications running in Java 1.5 and higher Java virtual machines. This Java profiler supports the Java Virtual Machine Tooling Interface (JVMTI) that replaces the experimental Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (JVMPI). The JVMTI replaces the JVMPI (Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface) and the JVMDI (Java Virtual Machine Debug Interface).

  • Resource monitoring via WSDM and JMX
    The Managed Agent Explorer is a view that allows the user to manipulate managed resources by setting properties and invoking operations. Managed resources can be exposed through a variety of technologies, including JMX and Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM). The explorer is integrated into the standard TPTP tooling and utilizes the agent framework.

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