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InfoQ Homepage News freebXML 3.0 Final Released

freebXML 3.0 Final Released

The new version of the open source ebXML Registry-Repository freebXML is now available in its final downloadable form from SourceForge. For those unfamiliar with ebXML Registry-Repository, the project maintains a comprehensive overview of the specification and its use cases on its wiki.

The new version provides a near, feature complete implementation of Registry Full conformance profile for the OASIS ebXML Registry 3.0 standard [ebRR]. The freebXML Registry also provides a feature complete implementation of level 1 conformance profile of the Java API for XML Registries API (JAXR).

In a conversation with Farrukh Najmi, one of the technical leaders of the project, InfoQ learned the following information about the project.

Some feature highlights include: 

  • Improved Web User Interface with many new features
  • Import feature to import content into the registry-repository
  • Ability to define custom life cycle status and work flow for artifacts
  • Enhancements to JAXR Provider for subscription and notification
  • Federated query support with user interfaces
  • Delivery of Email notification as formatted HTML using a customizable XSLT stylesheet
  • Support for secure SMTP protocol in Email Notification
  • Support for Oracle and MySQL databases in addition to HSQLDB, Derby, PostgreSQL and SQLServer
  • Support for server extension for custom Validation and Cataloger plugins
  • Support for server extension for custom Query plugins
  • Support for server extension for custom Notification Listener plugins
  • Support for server extension for custom pre and post plugins to intercept client requests
  • Schematron Validation Service for XML documents
  • Enhanced support for latest ebXML Registry profile for WSDL
  • New XACML Function plugins for fine-grained custom role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Ability to specify a custom Access Control Policy (ACP) for specific types of artifacts

On the quality front, nearly 200 bugs were fixed from previous versions. These are regression tested regularly with a suite of over 400 tests. Performance was improved by nearly 3X thanks to a newly designed server side cache and several other optimizations in both the server and the JAXR Provider. 

Finally, this release was baked for nearly a year while it was actively used used by the 200+ user community of the freebXML Registry project for nearly a year. Features were added and bugs were fixed in close collaboration with and input from the user community. We call this the “Open, Collaborative, Community-driven Development model. We have applied this model all the way from the OASIS ebXML Registry specification work, to the freebXML Registry open source project, to customer deployments in the real world. 

You can get download instruction here, and documentation is available here.

For those just getting started, there is a project wiki, the installation and setup guide, an overview document, and the full standard specification. You can also read the Release Notes.


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