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  • Cell-Based Architectures: How to Build Scalable and Resilient Systems

    Cell-based architecture is a resiliency and fault tolerance pattern that has co-evolved with SOA and microservices. It builds on the bulkhead pattern to limit the blast radius in case of failures. The cell-based approach can also help organize large-scale microservice architectures into domain-bound service groups to promote high cohesion and loose coupling and help organizations scale.

  • Architectures You’ve Always Wondered About 2024 eMag

    This eMag showcases real-world examples of innovative architectures pushing the limits with modern software systems. From Cloudflare to Netflix, the authors demonstrate what 'scalable' means and the challenges they face in handling millions of requests per second. This eMag brings together several of these stories and aims to provide advice and inspiration for your future projects.

  • The InfoQ eMag: Microservices - Patterns and Practices

    While the underlying technology and patterns are certainly interesting, microservices have always been about helping development teams be more productive. Experts who spoke about microservices at QCon SF 2017 did not simply talk about the technical details of microservices, but included a focus on the business side and more human-oriented aspects of developing distributed software systems.

  • The InfoQ eMag: Cloud Native Patterns & Practices

    In this eMag, the InfoQ team pulled together stories that best help you understand this cloud-native revolution, and what it takes to jump in. It features interviews with industry experts, and articles on key topics like migration, data, and security.

  • InfoQ eMag: Patterns of DevOps Culture

    In this e-mag, we explore some of those patterns through testimonies from their practitioners and through analysis by consultants in the field who have been exposed to multiple DevOps adoption initiatives.

  • InfoQ eMag: REST

    Over the past 15 years the term REST has been used and discussed a lot, whether it's when comparing with Web Services, used within the context of Cloud, or of course when talking about use the Web we use every day. In this eMag you will learn about these and other important aspects of REST.

  • InfoQ eMag: Scalability

    This eMag examines topics such as how Twitter re-architected its code-base to improve stability and performance, the approaches Netflix uses to be hyper-resilient, and how Java is replacing C++ for low latency coding. We also look at some lower level tricks such as feedback controls for auto-scaling, and using memory and execution profiling to identify performance bottlenecks in Java.

  • The Culture Game: Tools for the Agile Manager

    THE CULTURE GAME is a tutorial & reference for creating lasting business agility in organizations. This book provides you with specific tools & techniques to help teams (and the entire enterprise) rapidly respond to change, and describes 16 patterns of team-learning behavior, distilled from Agile software development, and provides the tools to socialize these ideas throughout your organization.

  • Agile Patterns: The Technical Cluster

    This book guides the reader on crafting their own agile adoption strategy focused on their business values and environment. This strategy is then directly tied to patterns of agile practice adoption that describe how many teams have successfully (and unsuccessfully) adopted them.

  • Domain Driven Design Quickly

    Domain Driven Design is a vision and approach for designing a domain model that reflects a deep understanding of the business domain. This book is a short, quickly-readable summary and introduction to the fundamentals of DDD; it does not introduce any new concepts; it attempts to concisely summarize the essence of what DDD is, drawing mostly Eric Evans' book.

  • Java Transaction Design Strategies

    Java Transaction Design Strategies shows how to design an effective transaction management strategy using the transaction models provided by Java-based frameworks such as EJB and Spring. Local, programmatic, declarative, and XA models are explained; the book concludes with a set of design patterns show how to effecitvely use these models.