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  • InfoQ Interview: Ron Jeffries on Running, Tested Features

    At Agile2006, Ron Jeffries told InfoQ that tracking "Running Tested Features" is the essential element of Agility, from which all other practices and activities necessarily follow. Ron who took to the whiteboard to explain how RTF benefits customers, by helping helps teams deliver consistently and reliably.

  • Responding to Urgent Requests

    In his article "How Two Hours Can Waste Two Weeks," Dmitri Zimine describes the costs associated with changing development priorities after the beginning of an iteration. Joel Spolsky took issue with Dmitri's comments, which in turn were defended and elaborated on by Mishkin Berteig.

  • Drawing Analogies Between Publishing and Agile Development

    In a recent blog posting titled "Moving from Software Production to Software Publishing," Gojko Adzic describes how he and his staff applied agile software development techniques to improve the production process at Mikro, the Serbian edition of PC World magazine. He then describes some ways in which the magazine publishing model can be applied to software development.

  • Presentation: Ken Schwaber on Code Quality as a Corporate Asset

    Scrum co-creator Ken Schwaber spoke at Agile2006 on code quality as a corporate asset. InfoQ presents video of his talk, The Canary in the Coalmine. Schwaber discussed how a degrading core codebase paralyses a team and negates any Agility gained through process improvement. He proposed strategies for management to identify, track and stop this downward spiral.

  • Danube Releases ScrumWorks v1.8

    ScrumWorks, the free Agile project tracking software from Danube Technologies, this week announced the release of version 1.8, which adds a Product Import feature to bring existing projects into the tool, a number of customer-requested changes and significant performance enhancements.

  • Agile PMs Get it Right the Last Time

    In his Gantthead article, "Get It Right the Last Time: Developing an Agile Attitude," Doug DeCarlo challenged project managers to ditch the counter-productive "get-it-right-the-first-time" philosophy practiced for so long by so many. Instead, he has proposed some Agile attitudes to help managers think differently about what counts.

  • Presentation: Agile Project Management Planning and Budgetting

    What happens to planning when teams "self organize"? Agile methods are empirical: plan it, do it, evaluate, plan again. David Hussman reviews practices for planning a project, release, iteration.

  • SOA, What is it Good For?

    In a series of news articles and discussions and blogs, the SOA community goes through the difficulties associated with SOA deployment with a degree of soul-searching. Surveys indicate that SOA is a long term committment of organizations and that the key drivers for SOA remain constant.

  • Is Project Status Relative?

    Scott Ambler introduces a term for a familiar project phenomenon: the "green shift" that occurs when people rework status reports to make them more politically palatable to management. But can management actually handle the truth?

  • Hanselminutes Podcast on Scrum Project Management

    Scott Hanselman, a Certified Scrum Master at Corillian, has posted a podcast on the Scrum project management methodology. He uses Scrum in his own projects and feels that Scrum makes Agile approachable and easy to grasp. He goes over just-in-time task-level estimation, velocity, how burndown charts help forecast delivery dates, and the concept of when a feature can be considered really "done".

  • Jim Highsmith Proposes An Adaptive Performance Management System

    Jim Highsmith, Director of Cutter Consortium's Agile Project Management Practice told the APLN Leadership Summit audience yesterday: " achieve truly agile, innovative organizations, a change in our approach to performance management systems is necessary... 'Conforming to plan' while delivering scant business value will seriously impede agility, whether in projects or the entire enterprise.

  • New Release of V1: Agile Enterprise Development Suite

    This new release from VersionOne allows all project stakeholders -- project managers, executives, developers, product managers, customers, and testers -- to collaborate and coordinate plans and progress much more effectively. With extended support for the Agile life cycle, this tool offers better visibility into the entire software development process.

  • Online Discussion on Scrum Requirements Basics

    The ScrumDevelopment list has seen lively discussion lately on Requirements issues frequently faced by new teams: "Can the ScrumMaster be the Product Owner too?", "How do we prioritize our Product Backlog?" and "QA's role in a SCRUM process". New teams quickly discover that a poor-quality Product Backlog can frustrate and undermine a team that is otherwise raring to start delivering value.

  • ScrumWorks Release 1.7.0 adds Tagging

    Danube Technologies' latest ScrumWorks release 1.7.0 includes an important feature for enterprise users who need to trace back to multiple backlogs or integrate with other project tools - tagging and filtering with user-managed "themes".

  • Agile Fixed Price Contracting

    On the high-volume ScrumDevelopment newsgroup, an interesting question has appeared, once again: "Is it possible to run SCRUM with fixed price contracts especially custom projects?". Ron Jeffries, Mike Beedle and others offer replies from experience.