Tiago Romero Garcia
Front-end architect in San Francisco. Conference speaker and article writer. Believer in servant leadership and ahimsa. Focusing on equanimity through mindfulness. Platelets donor.
Tiago Romero Garcia
blogs at http://tiagorg.com
Tiago Romero Garcia is a front-end architect with 12 years of experience in full-stack software development, software architecture, web performance, technical leadership and agile methodologies. Throughout his career, he has acted as an evangelist for good practices, code quality, unit tests and positive collaboration, and has mentored individuals and trained entire teams with diverse skillsets in front-end, back-end, leadership and agile practices. Tiago’s published body of work includes more than a dozen articles in magazines and forums such as InfoQ, DZone, Medium, AirPair, and Java Magazine. He has spoken at several major conferences internationally, as well as in meetups and corporate trainings. Last but not least, Tiago is a keen member of the developer community, both authoring and contributing to open-source software. Tiago holds a postgraduate degree in Distributed Software Architecture from PUC Minas and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from UNIFEI. His certifications include Microsoft Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Specialist, Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 5.0 (SCWCD) and Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 (SCJP). Previous conference speaking engagements: “Lazy Loading ES2015 modules in the browser” at ForwardJS, FEDC, DevCon5, Abstractions (2016/2017), “Design Patterns for JavaScript” at DevCon5 (2015), “Backbone.js Tricks or Treats” at HTML5DevConf (2014) and “Boosting the client-side with Backbone.js” at DevDay (2013).