InfoQ Homepage QCon Plus November 2020 Content on InfoQ
Production Infrastructure Cloning++: Reliability and Repeatability
JD Palomino discusses how they have developed a cloud and product-agnostic infrastructure pipeline to handle extra steps and custom configuration, with no special exceptions.
Helm: Past, Present, Future
Bridget Kromhout, Matt Butcher, Matt Farina discuss Helm, what they want to take it to, Helm 3 and 4.
Security and the Language of Intent
Tracy Holmes and Petros Kolyvas discuss why the language of security for infrastructure is often lost in translation and how policy as code can help.
Server-Side WASM: Today and Tomorrow
Connor Hicks explores WASM today, and the capabilities that it will have tomorrow, using the Suborbital Development Platform to illustrate how WASM modules can be used to compose server APIs.
Architecting for Focus, Flow, and Joy: beyond the Unicorn Project
The panelists discuss some of the most fun and least fun moments when coding, how functional programming practices have helped, and how productivity can be unleashed at a team-of-teams scale.
Less Mess, Less Stress: the Reliability Benefits of Custom Tools
Daniel Hochman discusses how an overreliance on vendor tooling leads to worse reliability outcomes, how Lyft lowered MTTR for its most common alerts using custom tooling, and how Clutch can help.
Designing Better ML Systems: Learnings from Netflix
Savin Goyal shares lessons learned by Netflix building their ML infrastructure, and some of the tradeoffs to consider when designing or buying a machine learning system.
History of Infra as Code
Andrew Clay Shafer walks through the progression of ‘Infrastructure as Code' in theory and practice, some problems these developments solved and also some problems they revealed.
Pitfalls and Patterns in Microservice Dependency Management
Silvia Esparrachiari shares stories on how a small change can impact a system, discussing the importance of having a broad view of a system to better understand how a change can impact a system.
The SRE as a Diplomat
Johnny Boursiquot discusses the unintended consequences of certain service ownership and operational models when SRE is seen as an outside unwanted influence, and how to build trust with those teams.
Data-driven Development in the Automotive Field
Toshika Srivastava offers insight into how they in the automotive field are developing products with data and what their challenges are.
Create Autonomous, Highly Productive Teams By Lowering the Stakes
Jason Lengstorf looks at architectural and organizational strategies to help teams move with less technical debt or maintenance burdens.