InfoQ Homepage QCon ai 2019 SF Content on InfoQ
Evoking Magic Realism with Augmented Reality Technology
Diana Hu explores how building a real world system is more a software engineering art, requiring making choices among a set of tradeoffs.
Panel: First Steps with Machine Learning
The panelists discuss the first principles to follow when adding ML to a system.
Panel: Sequential Data
The panelists discuss how the different fields within sequential data processing can benefit from each other, what the future trends are that we expect and take questions.
Deep Learning with Audio Signals: Prepare, Process, Design, Expect
Keunwoo Choi introduces what the audio/music research societies have discovered while playing with deep learning when it comes to audio classification and regression.
DeepRacer and DeepLens, Machine Learning for Fun! (and Profit?)
Jeremy Edberg shares his work with DeepRacer and DeepLens, talking about some of the basics of ML used in these projects and showing a DeepRacer in action.
Policing the Capital Markets with ML
Cliff Click talks about SCORE, a solution for doing Trade Surveillance using H2O, Machine Learning, and a whole lot of domain expertise and data munging.
Improving Developer Productivity with Visual Studio Intellisense
Allison Buchholtz-Au and Shengyu Fu discuss how PM, engineering, and data science came together to build Visual Studio IntelliCode, which delivers context-aware code completion suggestions.
On a Deep Journey towards Five Nines
Aashish Sheshadri discusses how PayPal applies Seq2Seq networks to forecasting CPU and memory metrics at scale.
Document Digitization: Rethinking OCR with Machine Learning
Nischal Harohalli Padmanabha outlines the problems faced building DL networks for document process at omni:us, limitations, the evolution of team structures, engineering practices, and other topics.
From Robot Simulation to the Real World
Louise Poubel overviews Gazebo's architecture with examples of projects using Gazebo, describing how to bridge virtual robots to their physical counterparts.
The Road to Artificial Intelligence: An Ethical Minefield
Lloyd Danzig offers a look into the complex ethical issues faced by today's top engineers and poses open-ended questions for the consideration of attendees.
Panel: Predictive Architectures in Practice
The panelists discuss the unique challenges of building and running data architectures for predictions, recommendations and machine learning.