InfoQ Homepage QCon London 2014 Content on InfoQ
Node Red
Nick O'Leary introduces Node-RED, an open source and browser-based environment for visually wiring together the many different streams that exist in the world of IoT.
The Lean Pipeline
Joakim Recht discusses how Tradeshift moved from manual deployment processes to automation and what this means in terms of organizational scalability, technology, transparency, and culture.
Lean Under Pressure
Glen Ford discusses how Zeebox applies and refines Lean: methods, experiments, discovery and feature teams, cultural challenges, innovation, etc.
Federated Identity for IoT with OAuth
Paul Fremantle discusses using WSO2 Identity Server for a federated identity for the Internet of Things.
Offline First
Caolan McMahon covers the current state of offline support on the web, why offline is important, and discusses the design challenges posed by developing a first-class offline experience.
Open Bank Project
Simon Redfern presents how the Open Bank Project innovates by leveraging open APIs, open source and open data, making banking data more accessible via an ecosystem of apps and services.
WebGL & Real-time Web Communication
In this solutions track talk, sponsored by KAAZING, Peter Moskovits demonstrates how to create immersive and engaging experiences with WebGL and how to control WebGL apps remotely with a smartphone.
High Performance Reactive Applications with Vert.x
Tim Fox discusses the design principles and motivation behind Vert.x and why the future is reactive.
Wix Architecture at Scale
Aviran Mordo introduces Wix's architecture, a highly available eventually consistent system, along with patterns for rendering many websites with a relatively small number of servers.
Mobile Web Performance - Getting & Staying Fast!
Andy Davies, Aaron Peters present how networks, browsers and the way sites are built affect user experience, and take a look at some of the latest techniques for measuring and improving performance.
Using BladeRunnerJS
In this solutions track talk, sponsored by Caplin Systems, Phil Leggetter discusses concepts for writing structured and maintainable code for single-page web applications with HTML5 and BladeRunnerJS.
Real-Time Systems at Twitter
Brian Degenhardt discusses lessons that Twitter learned managing a high rate of change and complexity, and how those can be applied anywhere.