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Sam Newman: Practical Implications of Microservices in 14 Tips
What are the practical concerns associated with running microservice systems? And what you need to know to embrace the power of smaller services without making things too hard? At last GeeCon 2014 in Krakow, Sam Newman tried to answer those questions by giving 14 tips about how microservices can interface, how the can be monitored, deployed, and made safer.
Why Some Web APIs Are Not RESTful and What Can Be Done About It
Many Web API designers claim their are RESTful, but their APIs have little in common with REST. What can be done to make a web service API truly RESTful?
Why SOA Should Be Viewed As “Dependency-Oriented Thinking”
Ganesh Prasad proposes minimizing service dependencies in a SOA implementation rather than avoiding point-to-point connections in order to obtain a more flexible system that can evolve over time.
Apache CouchDB: The Definitive Introduction
Apache CouchDB is an open source document NoSQL database that uses JSON for storing documents. In this article, Jan Lehnardt gives an overview of CouchDB, its architecture and what problems it aims to solve and why it is different from all other databases.
Web APIs and the n+1 Problem
The n+1 one problem doesn’t just affect ORMs. Any kind of Web API, RPC/Web Service or RESTful, can suffer from the same performance problems. In this article, Ali Kheyrollahi discusses some of the common scenarios that lead to n+1 in web APIs and ways to correct them.
Microservices: Decomposing Applications for Deployability and Scalability
What are microservices? This article describes the increasingly popular Microservice architecture pattern, used to architect large, complex and long-lived applications as a set of cohesive services that evolve over time.
Restify and Mobilize Your Data
Val Huber explains creating a RESTful API from an existing database schema, extending the API to define multi-table hierarchical resources, and adding behavior using declarative reactive expressions.
Russ Miles on Antifragility and Microservices
Currently, Antifragility and Microservices are trending topics and this might be a hint that there are new architectural paradigms or design patterns on their way for building application systems.. We're discussing these new concepts with Russ Miles to find out what they are good for and how to apply them in an architect's or developer's daily business - for existing applications and those to come
Exposing CQRS Through a RESTful API
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an architectural pattern that segregates reads and writes of a system into two separate models. We propose and demonstrate an approach for building a RESTful API on top of CQRS systems. This approach joins HTTP semantics and resource-based style of REST APIs with distributed computing concerns such as eventual consistency and concurrency.
Designing and Implementing Hypermedia APIs
This article (the second in a four-part series) walks through the implementation of a hypermedia server based on the design for the class scheduling problem domain outlined in the first installment of this series. In upcoming weekly installments of the series, details of implementing hypermedia clients will be reviewed along with techniques for evolving the API safely over time.
Designing and Implementing Hypermedia APIs
This article (the first in a four-part series) talks briefly about the concept of using hypermedia as an application programming interface (API) and how to design a hypermedia type to use as a basis for your API. In upcoming weekly installments of the series, details of implementing hypermedia servers and clients will be reviewed along with techniques for evolving the API safely over time.
Introduction to Interface-Driven Development Using Swagger and Scalatra
Since it began life a little over three years ago, the Scalatra web micro-framework has evolved into a lightweight but full-featured MVC framework with a lively community behind it. Scalatra started out as a port of Ruby's Sinatra to the Scala language. Since then the two systems have evolved independently, with Scalatra gaining capabilities such as an Atmosphere integration and Akka support.