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InfoQ Homepage REST Content on InfoQ

  • Don't Tell Them its REST

    Node.js has built a user-base and reputation for fast and scalable back-end systems. In a recent edition of the Nodeup podcast, four engineers share their experiences developing APIs using the platform. The conversation covers a range of key concerns including API design, security, testing, documentation, schemas and streaming. But advertising your API as RESTful may not be a good idea.

  • What's New in JAX-RS 2.0?

    When JAX-RS 1.0 was first unveiled back in 2008 it became one of the first POJO/Annoation based frameworks for creating robust web-based applications. Now five years later Java EE 7 has been released and it includes the latest JAX-RS incarnation, version 2.0. InfoQ takes a look at the new features.

  • Joy of StackMob

    In the beginning of MBaaS, there was StackMob. Since then the mobile ecosystem has become flooded with competitors in this new approach to app dynamics. InfoQ takes a closer look at the Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) provider StackMob and its privacy practices.

  • RESTful Web Services Framework Jersey 2.0 Released, Implementing JAX-RS 2.0 Specification

    Final version of the RESTful Web Services Framework Jersey 2.0 was recently released. New features includes a Client API, Hypermedia support, Filters and interceptors, and support for asynchronous Clients and Services. Jersey 2.0 is a reference implementation of the JAX-RS 2.0 API Specification, (JSR 339), released late May.

  • WSO2 API Manager 1.4.0 Introduces Multi-Tenancy

    The latest WSO2 API Manager adds native multi-tenancy, automatic generation of API documentation, and SAML-based SSO, running both on servers or in the cloud.

  • What’s New in OData 4.0?

    The fourth version of OData, the Microsoft-backed standard for querying data using REST conventions, has been accepted by the OASIS committee. The public review period will run thru June 2 and Microsoft expects OASIS to adopt the standard later this year.

  • What Are The Drawbacks Of REST?

    A recent posting on a REST Architects list has prompted Ganesh Prasad to outline some problems that he sees with REST (over HTTP) in terms of more dynamic peer-to-peer environments and how they could be addressed. He suggests some lessons could be learned from Web Services and mentions an Internet Draft specification which he has been working on.

  • Spring adds HATEOAS Support to REST Based Web Services

    The Spring Framework is currently in progress of adding HATEOAS, Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State, support to REST web services. Primary focus for the library is to provide an API for simplifying the creation of hypermedia links and assembling of REST resource representations.

  • MuleSoft's New API Platform: An Interview with Ross Mason

    MuleSoft recently announced their Anypoint Platform supporting the development, deployment and integration of cloud and on-premise services. InfoQ caught up with MuleSoft CTO Ross Mason during his global Mule Summit tour to talk about the new platform. Ross founded the open-source Mule project.

  • What Is Idempotent in REST?

    What Is Idempotent in REST? One of the important aspects of REST (or at least HTTP) is the concept that some operations (verbs) are idempotent. Idempotency is also discussed in the SOA Design Patterns. For instance, does it matter if an operation only appears to be idempotent to users, when in fact it does change some state, such as updating a logger?

  • Layer 7 to be Merged with SiteMinder

    Layer 7 Technologies has just been acquired by CA Technologies for the purpose of augmenting CA SiteMinder with Layer 7’s API Management & Security Suite. Layer 7 specializes in adding “access, security, SLA and management features” to existing service APIs.

  • WSO2 Developer Studio 3.0&3.1 Have Better ESB Tooling

    WSO2 Developer Studio 3.0 and 3.1 improve ESB and Registry Resource Editor tools, has better performance, uses Eclipse Juno SR2, and supports JAX-RS REST code generation.

  • Has Web Style Worked?

    Almost 7 years ago Tim Bray declared SOA dead and the future was Web Style. In a recent blog post Jean-Jacques Dubray looks back over the years and decides that Web Style hasn't worked and, given the plethora of non-Web Style services in the Programmable Web directory, is in fact itself dead. He also looks at what this means for computing and the future of application development.

  • Casablanca's C++ SDK Whitelisted for Open Source

    Microsoft's C++ REST SDK, codenamed Casablanca, has been open sourced under the Apache 2.0 license. Casablanca provides developers with a multiplatform way to write C++11 code that interacts with REST services.

  • Architectural Homeopathy

    In a recent article Steve Jones discussions a group of people he calls Architectural Homeopaths, who make critical architectural decisions based on "powerpoints and opinions" but with a lack of clear evidence to support them. He says they are prevalent in IT and believes that those people who push REST for enterprise integration fall into this category.